## groupie-tracker ### Objectives Groupie Trackers consists on receiving a given API and manipulate the data contained in it, in order to create a site, displaying the information. - It will be given an [API](https://groupietrackers.herokuapp.com/api), that consists in four parts: - The first one, `artists`, containing information about some bands and artists like their name(s), image, in which year they began their activity, the date of their first album and the members. - The second one, `locations`, consists in their last and/or upcoming concert locations. - The third one, `dates`, consists in their last and/or upcoming concert dates. - And the last one, `relation`, does the link between all the other parts, `artists`, `dates` and `locations`. - Given all this you should build a user friendly website where you can display the bands info through several data visualizations (examples : blocks, cards, tables, list, pages, graphics, etc). It is up to you to decide which info you will present and how you will display it. - This project also focuses on the creation of events and on their visualization. - An event consists in a system that responds to some kind of action triggered by the client, time, or any other factor. ### Instructions - The backend must be written in **Go**. - The site and server cannot crash at any time. - All pages must work correctly and you must take care of any errors. - The code must respect the [**good practices**](../good-practices/README.md). - It is recommended to have **test files** for [unit testing](https://go.dev/doc/tutorial/add-a-test). ### Allowed packages - Only the [standard Go](https://golang.org/pkg/) packages are allowed. ### Usage - You can see an example of a RESTful API [here](https://rickandmortyapi.com/) This project will help you learn about : - Manipulation and storage of data. - [JSON](https://www.json.org/json-en.html) files and format. - HTML. - Event creation and display. - [Events](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/JavaScript/Building_blocks/Events).