## printalphabetalt ### Instructions Write a program that: - first prints the Latin alphabet alternatively in lowercase and uppercase in order (from `'a'` to `'Z'`) on a single line. - second prints the Latin alphabet alternatively in lowercase and uppercase in reverse order (from `'z'` to `'A'`) on a single line. A line is a sequence of characters preceding the [end of line](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newline) character (`'\n'`). ### Usage ```console student@ubuntu:~/printalphabetalt$ go build student@ubuntu:~/printalphabetalt$ ./printalphabetalt aBcDeFgHiJkLmNoPqRsTuVwXyZ zYxWvUtSrQpOnMlKjIhGfEdCbA student@ubuntu:~/printalphabetalt$ ```