export const tests = [] export const setup = async ({ page }) => { return { getCirclesPos: async () => await page.$$eval('.circle', (nodes) => { const circleRadius = 25 const formatPos = (pos) => Number(pos.replace('px', '')) + circleRadius return nodes.map((node) => [ formatPos(node.style.left), formatPos(node.style.top), ]) }), } } tests.push(async ({ page, viewport, eq, getCirclesPos }) => { // check that a circle is created on click at the mouse position const { width, height } = await page.evaluate(() => ({ width: document.documentElement.clientWidth, height: document.documentElement.clientHeight, })) const clicks = [...Array(10).keys()].map((e) => [ random(width), random(height), ]) for (const [i, click] of clicks.entries()) { const [posX, posY] = click await page.mouse.click(posX, posY) const currentCircle = (await getCirclesPos())[i] eq(currentCircle, click) } }) tests.push(async ({ page, eq, getCirclesPos }) => { // check that the last created circle moves along the mouse let move = 0 while (move < 100) { move += 1 const x = move const y = move * 2 await page.mouse.move(x, y) const circles = await getCirclesPos() const currentCirclePos = circles[circles.length - 1] eq(currentCirclePos, [x, y]) } }) tests.push(async ({ page, eq, getCirclesPos }) => { // check that a circle is trapped and purple when inside the box const box = await page.$eval('.box', (box) => ({ top: box.getBoundingClientRect().top, right: box.getBoundingClientRect().right, left: box.getBoundingClientRect().left, bottom: box.getBoundingClientRect().bottom, })) await page.mouse.click(200, 200) let move = 200 let hasEntered = false while (move < 500) { const x = move + 50 const y = move await page.mouse.move(x, y) const circles = await getCirclesPos() const currentCircle = circles[circles.length - 1] const circleRadius = 25 const bg = await page.$$eval( '.circle', (nodes) => nodes[nodes.length - 1].style.background, ) const insideX = x > box.left + circleRadius && x < box.right - circleRadius const insideY = y > box.top + circleRadius && y < box.bottom - circleRadius const isInside = insideX && insideY // check that the background is set to the right color if (isInside) { hasEntered = true eq(bg, 'var(--purple)') } else { eq(bg, hasEntered ? 'var(--purple)' : 'white') } // check that the mouse is trapped inside the box if (hasEntered) { if (insideY) { eq(currentCircle[1], y) } else { const maxY = currentCircle[1] === box.top + circleRadius + 1 || currentCircle[1] === box.bottom - circleRadius - 1 eq(maxY, true) } if (insideX) { eq(currentCircle[0], x) } else { const maxX = currentCircle[0] === box.left + circleRadius + 1 || currentCircle[0] === box.right - circleRadius - 1 eq(maxX, true) } } move++ } }) const random = (min, max) => { if (!max) { max = min min = 0 } min = Math.ceil(min) max = Math.floor(max) return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min }