## reduceint ### Instructions The function should have as parameters a slice of integers `a []int` and a function `f func(int, int) int`. For each element of the slice, it should apply the function `f func(int, int) int`, save the result and then print it. ### Expected function ```go func ReduceInt(a []int, f func(int, int) int) { } ``` ### Usage Here is a possible program to test your function : ```go package main func main() { mul := func(acc int, cur int) int { return acc * cur } sum := func(acc int, cur int) int { return acc + cur } div := func(acc int, cur int) int { return acc / cur } as := []int{500, 2} ReduceInt(as, mul) ReduceInt(as, sum) ReduceInt(as, div) } ``` And its output : ```console $ go run . 1000 502 250 $ ```