## How 2 JS ### Instructions Hello and welcome to the JS piscine, first you will have to learn to execute javascript. Being a special child, JS can run in different **runtime**, what you can do with it greatly depend of your runtime. Luckly you don't need to install anything for that since all you need is a web browser. > Main runtime for executing JS are: any web browser, NodeJS and Deno. Let's make a hello world: ```bash # first we create the javascript file echo "console.log('Hello World')" > how-2-js.js # To run JS in your browser you need to import it from an HTML page: echo '' > index.html # Finally let's create a simple web server &>/dev/null python3 -m http.server & # Now open your browser at the specified port xdg-open 'http://localhost:8000' ``` > `xdg-open` find your default application for the given argument > on mac it's just `open` and it's `start` on windows You can now open your web browser console (`ctrl`+`shift`+`i`) and you should see your hello world. > The console is a very handy place to test code and explore how the language > works, don't be shy and play in it ! Great ! you are all set, if you want to re-execute your script, just refresh. You now just have to create a repository named `((ROOT))`, which will hold all your solutions for this piscine and just add your 2 generated files to it, we will start slow for now... 🐢 ### Recommendation Videos designed to give **hints** are assigned to each quest. It is strongly suggested to watch them as you go.