## alpha-position ## instructions Write a function named `AlphaPosition` that takes an alphabetical character as a parameter and returns the position of the letter in the alphabet. - If the character is not in the alphabet, return -1 - If the character is in the alphabet, return the position of the letter in the alphabet ### Expected function ```go func AlphaPosition(c rune) int { // your code goes here } ``` ### usage ```go package main import "fmt" func main(){ fmt.Println(AlphaPosition('a')) fmt.Println(AlphaPosition('z')) fmt.Println(AlphaPosition('B')) fmt.Println(AlphaPosition('Z')) fmt.Println(AlphaPosition('0')) fmt.Println(AlphaPosition(' ')) } ``` ### output ```console $ go run . | cat -e 1$ 26$ 2$ 26$ -1$ -1$ ```