## borrow_me_the_reference ### Instructions Ownership is Rust's most unique feature. It enables Rust to make memory safety guarantees without needing a garbage collector. You must have a good understanding of ownership in rust. Create the following functions: - `delete_and_backspace`: which receives a borrowed string, and processes it. `-` represents the backspace key and `+` represents the delete key, so that `"helll-o"` and `"he+lllo"` are both converted to `"hello"`. The `-` and `+` characters should be removed from the string. - `is_correct`: which borrows a Vector of string literals representing simple addition and subtraction equations. The function should replace the correct equations with `✔`, and the wrong ones with `✘`. It should return a `usize` with the percentage of correct equations. ### Expected Functions ```rust pub fn delete_and_backspace(s: &mut String) { } pub fn is_correct(v: &mut Vec<&str>) -> usize { } ``` ### Dependencies meval = "0.2" ### Usage Here is a program to test your function ```rust use borrow_me_the_reference::{delete_and_backspace, is_correct}; fn main() { let mut a = String::from("bpp--o+er+++sskroi-++lcw"); let mut b: Vec<&str> = vec!["2+2=4", "3+2=5", "10-3=3", "5+5=10"]; // - If a value does **not implement Copy**, it must be **borrowed** and so will be passed by **reference**. delete_and_backspace(&mut a); // the reference of the value let per = is_correct(&mut b); // the reference of the value println!("{:?}", (a, b, per)); // output: ("borrow", ["✔", "✔", "✘", "✔"], 75) } ``` And its output ```console $ cargo run ("borrow", ["✔", "✔", "✘", "✔"], 75) $ ``` ### Notions - [ownership](https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/ch04-00-understanding-ownership.html) - [meval](https://docs.rs/meval/0.2.0/meval/)