## Quantifiers ### Instructions Create three functions that receive an array and a function each: - `every` that returns true if every element of the array respects the condition of the received function and false otherwise. - `some` that returns true if at least one element of the array respects the condition of the received function and false otherwise. - `none` that returns true if none of the elements of the array respects the condition of the received function and false otherwise. The use of `[].every` and `[].some` is forbidden for this exercise. ### Notions - [devdocs.io/javascript/global_objects/array/some](https://devdocs.io/javascript/global_objects/array/some) - [devdocs.io/javascript/global_objects/array/every](https://devdocs.io/javascript/global_objects/array/every) ### Code provided > all code provided will be added to your solution and doesn't need to be submited. ```js Array.prototype.some = Array.prototype.every = undefined ```