## Pimp my style ### Instructions Check out that button on the HTML page: ```html ...adding Click 1 --> Click 2 --> ...toggling `unpimp` Click 3 --> ...and removing backwards Click 4 --> Click 5 --> Click 6 --> ``` ### Files You only need to create & submit the JS file `pimp-my-style.js`. Ee're providing you the following files to download and test locally.: - the HTML file [pimp-my-style.html](./pimp-my-style.html) to open in the browser, which includes: - the JS script running some code, and which will enable you to run yours. - some CSS pre-styled classes: feel free to use those as they are, or modify them. - the data file [pimp-my-style.data.js](./pimp-my-style.data.js) from which you can import `styles`. ### Expected result You can see an example of the expected result [here](https://youtu.be/VIRf3TBDTN4) ### Notions - [classList](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/classList): `add()`, `remove()`, `toggle()`