## Sortable ### Instructions You are a villain and your dream is to get rid of those annoying, yoga-pant-wearing, weird masked **superheroes**. You never understood why some of them are considered to be superheroes, just because they are rich. Others annoy you with their philosophical speeches. We've found _confidential_ information about those superheroes. **Your task** is to build a web page to organize all the data about those smartypants. All that data can be found [here](https://rawcdn.githack.com/akabab/superhero-api/0.2.0/api/all.json) in `all.json`. You must write all of the code from scratch. You are not allowed to rely on any frameworks or libraries like React, Vue, Svelte etc. #### Fetching the data In order to get the information, you should use `fetch`. When you use `fetch` in JS, it always returns a `Promise`. We will look more deeply into that later on. For now, tak a look at this: ```js // This function is called only after the data has been fetched, and parsed. const loadData = heroes => { console.log(heroes) } // Request the file with fetch, the data will downloaded to your browser cache. fetch('https://rawcdn.githack.com/akabab/superhero-api/0.2.0/api/all.json') .then((response) => response.json()) // parse the response from JSON .then(loadData) // .then will call the `loadData` function with the JSON value. ``` #### Display Not all the information is valuable at a glance, so we will only show some of the fields in a `` element. The necessary data will be: - Icon (`.images.xs`, should be displayed as images and not as a string) - Name (`.name`) - Full Name (`.biography.fullName`) - Powerstats (each entry of `.powerstats`) - Race (`.appearance.race`) - Gender (`.appearance.gender`) - Height (`.appearance.height`) - Weight (`.appearance.weight`) - Place Of Birth (`.biography.placeOfBirth`) - Alignement (`.biography.alignment`) The information must be displayed in multiple pages. Use a `