## Block Chain ### Instructions Create a `blockChain` that create a block in your very own block chain. the function takes 2 arguments: - `data` any valid JSON data - `prev` the previous block, if no block are given it should use the genesis block: `{ index: 0, hash: '0' }` A block must have the following properties: - `index` - `hash` a computed hash using the concatenation of the `index`, `hash` and stringified `data` and hashing all of it using the provided `hashCode`. - `data` the data (not encoded in JSON) - `prev` the previous block - `chain` a function that takes a new `data` and create the next block with it. ### Examples ```js const first = blockChain({ a: 1 }) console.log(first.index) // -> 1 console.log(first.data) // -> { a: 1 } console.log(first.prev) // -> { index: 0, hash: "0" } console.log(first.hash) // -> '1103f27' console.log(hashCode('10{"a":1}')) // -> '1103f27' const second = first.chain({ hello: 'world' }) console.log(second.hash) // -> '18drvvc' console.log(hashCode('21103f27{"hello":"world"}')) // -> '18drvvc' const chain = second .chain({ value: 4455 }) .chain({ some: 'data' }) .chain({ cool: 'stuff' }) const fork = second .chain({ value: 335 }) .chain({ some: 'data' }) .chain({ cool: 'stuff' }) console.log(chain.hash) // -> '1qr3qfs' console.log(fork.hash) // -> '1x9gsc1' console.log(chain.index) // -> 5 console.log(fork.index) // -> 5 ``` ### Notions - [devdocs.io/javascript/global_objects/json/stringify](https://devdocs.io/javascript/global_objects/json/stringify) ### Code provided > all code provided will be added to your solution and doesn't need to be submited. ```js const hashCode = str => ( [...str].reduce((h, c) => (h = (h << 5) - h + c.charCodeAt(0)) & h, 0) >>> 0 ).toString(36) ```