## Object This exercise is about structuring multiple values together. ### Data Structures: Objects In JS, `Object` are the most basic data structures, they are a way to group values together. They are like a bag of values. #### Example Remember that they are different types of variables: ```js let currency = 'EURO' let amount = 77.5 let cashPayment = false ``` Now we can group them all in an **object**, as objects are values too, let's assign one to a `transaction` variable: ```js let transaction = { currency: 'EURO', amount: 77.5, cashPayment: false, } console.log(transaction) // will show the object transaction ``` The variable `transaction` is declared and its value type is an object. Let's explain each parts: #### Object litteral syntax: `{}` Starting with curly brackets `{}`, they are the delimiters of our object. ```js let empty = {} // an empty object ``` #### Properties They define what we want inside our objects. They are composed of two elements: - a `key` - and a `value` ```js // ↙ begining of the declaration let transaction = { // ↙ property key currency: 'EURO', // ↖ property value } // ↖ end of the declaration ``` We separate them with a `:`, to simplify, we will only use valid identifiers as keys at the moment. Each properties must be separated with a `,` > Note that it's easier to always add a trailing `,` on every properties, but it > is not required for the last property. ### Instructions Declare a variable `human` which has a value **an object** with 3 properties: - a `name` property of your name as a `String` - an `age` property of your age as a `Number` - a `secureLuggage` of a `Boolean` saying if your luggage contain dangerous things or not. _(still, for obvious security reasons)_ > “I paint objects as I think them, not as I see them.” \ > ― Pablo Picasso