# `sys` ![sys](sys.jpg) > _Ex Machina_ (film) --- | Name | Description | Skills | Done | | ------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ---------------------- | --------------- | | `linux` | Introduction and VirtualBox installation/basic usage. | OS, virtualization | subject + audit | | `login` | Connect to console (using different virtual terminals), basic commands and usage of the console. | OS | subject | | `update-vm` | Fetch, update and use our training virtual machine (introduction to snapshots and cloning). | virtualization | script | | `connect` | Fix a conflict of IP address, configure DHCP & static IP address. | OS, network | | | `remote` | Remotely connect to a pseudo-terminal (configure firewall, change SSH port and listening address). | OS, network, security | WIP | | `upgrade` | Free disk space (caches, logs & temporary files) to upgrade the OS. | OS | | | `scan` | Discover machines and services (scan ARP, `nmap`), brute-force portals. | OS, network, security | WIP | | `reboot` | Learn how to recognize a blocked system and reboot it (hard reset, magic SysRq key). | OS | | | `ram` | Fix a program being OOM (enlarge swap and system memory, compare performance). | OS, virtualization | | | `benchmark` | Learn how to benchmark a program | OS, disk | WIP | | `boot` | Fix the various boot stages of a broken system (including a misconfigured application). | OS, network | WIP | | `process` | Find processes by port, name, file, resource usage. Find their configuration file path. | OS | WIP | | `monitoring` | Monitor the system, by hand and with an application. | OS | WIP | | `network` | Build a network by hand, DNS, `arp`, `ip.` | network | | | `modem` | Configure a system as a router/firewall, making it similar to a residential gateway. | network | | | `censorship` | Bypass or mitigate various censorship methods (DNS, IP, DPI, MITM, shadowban, non-indexed content, deplatforming). | network, security | | | `virus` | Remove a stealth virus (multiple signatures and infection vectors). Reinstall safely. | OS | | | `data` | Data recovery, fix corrupted file system, obtain minimal disk image size. | OS, disk | | | `nas` | Make your own NAS with RAID, Samba, NFS, iSCSI, ClamAV | OS, network, disk | WIP | | `performance` | Boost the performance of a service tweaking scheduling CPU pinning, `[io]nice`, RAID 0, NIC bonding. | OS, CPU, network, disk | | | `sys` | (Bonus) Recreate `debian-01` virtual machine. | All of the above | WIP |