#### Functional ##### Try to run the following command `"./wget https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EMtmPFLWkAA8CIS.jpg"` ###### Did the program download the file `"EMtmPFLWkAA8CIS.jpg"`? ##### Try to run the following command with a link at your choice `"./wget "` ###### Did the program download the expected file? ##### Try to run the following command `"./wget https://golang.org/dl/go1.16.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz"` ###### Did the program download the file `"go1.16.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz"`? ###### Did the program displayed the start time? ###### Did the start time and the end time respected the format? (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss) ###### Did the program displayed the status of the response? (200 OK) ###### Did the Program displayed the content length of the download? ###### Is the content length displayed as raw (bytes) and rounded (Mb or Gb)? ###### Did the program displayed the name and path of the file that was saved? ##### Try to download a big file, for example: `"./wget http://ipv4.download.thinkbroadband.com/100MB.zip"` ###### Did the program download the expected file? ###### While downloading, did the progress bar show the amount that is being downloaded? (KiB or MiB) ###### While downloading, did the progress bar show the percentage that is being downloaded? ###### While downloading, did the progress bar show the time that remains to finish the download? ###### While downloading, did the progress bar progressed smoothly (kept up with the time that the download took to finish)? ##### Try to run the following command, `"./wget -O=test_20MB.zip http://ipv4.download.thinkbroadband.com/20MB.zip"` ###### Did the program downloaded the file with the name `"test_20MB.zip"`? ##### Try to run the following command, `"./wget -O=test_20MB.zip -P=~/Downloads/ http://ipv4.download.thinkbroadband.com/20MB.zip"` ###### Can you see the expected file in the "~/Downloads/" folder? ##### Try to run the following command, `"./wget --rate-limit=300k http://ipv4.download.thinkbroadband.com/20MB.zip"` ###### Was the download speed always lower than 300KB/s? ##### Try to run the following command, `"./wget --rate-limit=700k http://ipv4.download.thinkbroadband.com/20MB.zip"` ###### Was the download speed always lower than 700KB/s? ##### Try to run the following command, `"./wget --rate-limit=2M http://ipv4.download.thinkbroadband.com/20MB.zip"` ###### Was the download speed always lower than 2MB/s? ##### Try to create a text file with the name `"downloads.txt"` and save into it the links below. Then run the command `"./wget -i=downloads.txt"` ``` https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EMtmPFLWkAA8CIS.jpg http://ipv4.download.thinkbroadband.com/20MB.zip http://ipv4.download.thinkbroadband.com/10MB.zip ``` ###### Did the program download all the files from the downloads.txt file? (EMtmPFLWkAA8CIS.jpg, 20MB.zip, 10MB.zip) ###### Did the downloads occurred in an asynchronous way? (tip: look to the download order) #### Mirror ##### Try to run the following command `"./wget --mirror http://corndog.io/"`, then try to open the `"index.html"` with a browser ###### Is the site working? ##### Try to run the following command `"./wget --mirror https://oct82.com/"`, then try to open the `"index.html"` with a browser ###### Is the site working? ##### Try to run the following command `"./wget --mirror --reject=gif https://oct82.com/"`, then try to open the `"index.html"` with a browser ###### Did the program download the site without the GIFs? ##### Try to run the following command `"./wget --mirror https://trypap.com/"`, then use the command `"ls"` to see the file system of the created folder. ``` css img index.html ``` ###### Does the created folder has the same fs as above? ##### Try to run the following command `"./wget --mirror -X=/img https://trypap.com/"`, then use the command `"ls"` to see the file system of the created folder. ``` css index.html ``` ###### Does the created folder has the files above? ##### Try to run the following command `"./wget --mirror https://theuselessweb.com/"` ###### Is the site working? ##### Try to run the following command to mirror a website at your choice `"./wget --mirror "` ###### Did the program mirror the website? #### Bonus ###### +Does the project runs quickly and effectively? (Favoring recursive, no unnecessary data requests, etc) ###### +Does the code obey the [good practices](https://public.01-edu.org/subjects/good-practices/README.md)?