export const tests = [] const t = (f) => tests.push(f) t(({ eq }) => eq(findIP(dataSet), $findIP)) Object.freeze(tests) const dataSet = `qqq http:// qqqq q qqqqq https://something.com/hello qqqqqqq qhttp://example.com/hello?you=something&something=you qq qw w wq wqw wqw ijnjjnfapsdbjnkfsdiqw klfsdjn fs fsd https://devdocs.io/javascript/global_objects/object/fromentries njnkfsdjnk sfdjn fsp fd192.168.1.123:8080 https://devdocs.io/javascript/global_objects/regexp/@@split htpp://wrong/url hello %$& wf* ][½¬ http://correct/url?correct=yes è[}£§ https://nan-academy.github.io/js-training/?page=editor#data.nested 255.256.1233.2 ssages has become an accepted part of many cultures, as happened earlier with emailing. htt://[1] This makes texting a quick and http://www.example.com/mypage.html?crcat=test&crsource=test&crkw=buy-a-loteasy way to communicate 255.256.2 with friends, family and colleagues, including 255.256.555.2 in contexts where a call would be when one knows the other person is busy with family or work activities).; for example, to order products or http://www_example.com/ services fromhttps://regex-performance.github.io/exercises.html 3...3 this permits communication even between busy individuals255.253.123.2:8000 https: // . Text messages can also http:// be used to http://example.com/path?name=Branch&products=[Journeys,Email,Universal%20Ads]interact with automated systems,https:// regex -performance.github.io/ exercises.html172.01.123.999:1234 https//nan-academy.github.io/js-training/?page=editor#data.nested impolite or inappropriate (e.g., calling very late at night orhttp://localhost/exercises[23] htts:/nan-academy.github.io/js-training?b=123&a=123/?page=editor#data.nested Like e-mail and voicemail and unlike calls (in which the caller hopes to speak directly with the recipient), http://www.example.com/catalog.asp?itemid=232&template=fresh&crcat=ppc&crsource=google&crkw=buy-a-lot texting does not require the caller and recipient to both be free at the same moment0.0.0.0` const $findIP = [ '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ]