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Functional Project Questions

Try bad example 00 (


Does the program prints the value above?
Try bad example 01 (


Does the program prints the value above?
Try bad example 02 (


Does the program prints the value above?
Try bad example 03 (


Does the program prints the value above?
Try bad example 04 (


Does the program prints the value above?
Try bad format (


Does the program prints the value above?
Try good example 00 (
Does the result contain 0 empty spaces (0 '.')?
Try good example 01 (
Does the result contain 9 empty spaces (9 '.')?
Try good example 02 (
Does the result contain 4 empty spaces (4 '.')?
Try good example 03 (
Does the result contain 5 empty spaces (5 '.')?
Try hard example (
Does the result contain 1 empty spaces (1 '.')?
Are all of the Tetrominos contained in the test file, present in the output?
Different characters correspond to different Tetrominos?
Does one Tetromino has only one character?


*Has the code passed the formatting? (gofmt, goimports)
*Does the project runs quickly and effectively (Favoring of recursive, no unnecessary data requests, etc.)?
*Does the program avoid the use of packages?
*Does the code present commenting? (
*Does the code present documentation?
*Does it present consistent indentation?
*Does the code avoid obvious comments (no over information)?
*Does the code have a consistent naming scheme (camelCase, under_scores)?
*Does the code obey the principles "DRY" (Don't Repeat Yourself) or "DIE" (Duplication is Evil)?
*Does the code obey the principal "KISS" (Keep It Simple, Stupid)?
*Does the code obey the principle "YAGNI" (You Aren’t Gonna Need It)?
*Does the code obey the principle "SOC" (Separation of Concerns)?
*Does the code avoid deep nesting (if in ifs, forest of ifs)?
*Does the code present a good file and folder organization?
*Does it present a good separation of Code and Data?
*Does the go code follow the go recommendation? (
*Is there a test file for this code?
*Are the tests checking each possible case?
*Is the error handled, is it error free?


*Did you learn anything from this project?
*Would you recommend/nominate this program as an example for the rest of the school?