You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1.5 KiB



You must follow the same instructions as the first subject but the second argument must be the name of the template.

This project will help you learn about :

  • Client utilities.
  • The Go file system(fs) API.
  • Ways to receive data.
  • Ways to output data.
  • Manipulation of strings.
  • Manipulation of structures.


  • Your project must be written in Go.
  • The code must respect the good practices.
  • It is recommended that the code should present a test file.


student@ubuntu:~/ascii-art$ go build
student@ubuntu:~/ascii-art$ ./ascii-art "hello" standard
  _                _    _           
 | |              | |  | |          
 | |__      ___   | |  | |    ___   
 |  _ \    / _ \  | |  | |   / _ \  
 | | | |  |  __/  | |  | |  | (_) | 
 |_| |_|   \___|  |_|  |_|   \___/  
student@ubuntu:~/ascii-art$ ./ascii-art "hello" shadow
 oooo                    oooo   oooo             
 `888                    `888   `888             
  888 .oo.     .ooooo.    888    888    .ooooo.  
  888P"Y88b   d88' `88b   888    888   d88' `88b 
  888   888   888ooo888   888    888   888   888 
  888   888   888    .o   888    888   888   888 
 o888o o888o  `Y8bod8P'  o888o  o888o  `Y8bod8P' 