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Create a function called scytale_cipher that takes a string and an integer and returns a string. This function should create a scytale cipher also known as spartan cipher. In practice its a cylinder with a strip strapped around it on which is written a message, when removed the strip the message is coded. Depending on the size of the cylinder the message would change. So the only way to decipher the coded message is by using a cylinder of the same size.

You function should recreate the scytale cipher, the string being the message and the size being the number of straps in the cylinder.


message : "scytale Code" size : 6

['s', 'e']
['c', ' ']
['y', 'C']
['t', 'o']
['a', 'd']
['l', 'e']

output : sec yCtoadle size : 8

['s', 'C']
['c', 'o']
['y', 'd']
['t', 'e']
['a', ' ']
['l', ' ']
['e', ' ']
[' ', ' ']

output : sCcoydtea l e

Expected Functions

fn scytale_cipher(message: String, i: u32) -> String {}


Here is a program to test your function

fn main() {
    println!("\"scytale Code\" size=6 -> {:?}", scytale_cipher(String::from("scytale Code"), 6)));
    println!("\"scytale Code\" size=8 -> {:?}", scytale_cipher(String::from("scytale Code"), 8)));

And its output

student@ubuntu:~/scytale_cipher/test$ cargo run
"scytale Code" size=6 -> "sec yCtoadle"
"scytale Code" size=8 -> "sCcoydtea l e"