You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

171 lines
4.9 KiB

* functions given to the students
const SIZE = 100
const MAP = new Int8Array(SIZE * SIZE)
const isFree = ({ x, y }) => MAP[y * SIZE + x] === 0
const isOccupied = ({ x, y }) => MAP[y * SIZE + x] === 1
const inBounds = (n) => n < SIZE && n >= 0
const isInBounds = ({ x, y }) => inBounds(x) && inBounds(y)
const pickRandom = (arr) => arr[Math.floor(Math.random() * arr.length)]
* My functions
const isAlley = ({ x, y }) => !isFree({ x, y }) || !isInBounds({ x, y })
// this functions will find the best path, so the path that has more empty spaces
// so use `isFree`,
const findBestPath = ({ ai }) => {
let arr = []
let car = ai.cardinal
// if it as a block on the symmetric position it must
// simulate the symmetric position and see witch path is the best
if (
(car === 3 || car === 0) &&
!isFree({ x: ai.x - 1, y: ai.y - 1 }) &&
isFree({ x: ai.x, y: ai.y - 1 }) &&
isFree({ x: ai.x - 1, y: ai.y })
) {
let xad = ai.x - 1
let yad = ai.y - 1
let choose = [
calDistance(xad + 1, yad, 1, 0),
calDistance(ai.x, ai.y - 1, car, 0),
calDistance(ai.x - 1, ai.y, car, 0),
calDistance(xad, yad + 1, 2, 0),
let index = choose.indexOf(Math.max(...choose))
return index === 0 || index === 1
? ai.coords[0]
: ai.coords[3]
if (
(car === 1 || car === 0) &&
!isFree({ x: ai.x + 1, y: ai.y - 1 }) &&
isFree({ x: ai.x, y: ai.y - 1 }) &&
isFree({ x: ai.x + 1, y: ai.y })
) {
let xad = ai.x + 1
let yad = ai.y - 1
// choose will save the biggest path to be chosen
// [ down, line1, line0, left ]
let choose = [
calDistance(xad, yad + 1, 2, 0),
calDistance(ai.x + 1, ai.y, car, 0),
calDistance(ai.x, ai.y - 1, car, 0),
calDistance(xad - 1, yad, 3, 0),
let index = choose.indexOf(Math.max(...choose))
return index === 0 || index === 1
? ai.coords[1]
: ai.coords[0]
if (
(car === 2 || car === 1) &&
!isFree({ x: ai.x + 1, y: ai.y + 1 }) &&
isFree({ x: ai.x, y: ai.y + 1 }) &&
isFree({ x: ai.x + 1, y: ai.y })
) {
let xad = ai.x + 1
let yad = ai.y + 1
// choose will save the biggest path to be chosen
// [ left, line2, line1, up ]
let choose = [
calDistance(xad - 1, yad, 3, 0),
calDistance(ai.x, ai.y + 1, car, 0),
calDistance(ai.x + 1, ai.y, car, 0),
calDistance(xad, yad - 1, 0, 0),
let index = choose.indexOf(Math.max(...choose))
return index === 0 || index === 1
? ai.coords[2]
: ai.coords[1]
if (
(car === 2 || car === 3) &&
!isFree({ x: ai.x - 1, y: ai.y + 1 }) &&
isFree({ x: ai.x, y: ai.y + 1 }) &&
isFree({ x: ai.x - 1, y: ai.y })
) {
let xad = ai.x - 1
let yad = ai.y + 1
// choose will save the biggest path to be chosen
// [ right, line2, line3, up ]
let choose = [
calDistance(xad + 1, yad, 1, 0),
calDistance(ai.x - 1, ai.y, car, 0),
calDistance(ai.x, ai.y + 1, car, 0),
calDistance(xad, yad - 1, 0, 0),
let index = choose.indexOf(Math.max(...choose))
return index === 0 || index === 1
? ai.coords[3]
: ai.coords[2]
for ({ x, y, cardinal } of ai.coords) {
// if everything is ok it must continue with the best path
arr.push(calDistance(x, y, cardinal, 0))
return ai.coords[arr.indexOf(Math.max(...arr))]
// recursion
const calDistance = (x, y, car, count) => {
if (car <= 0) {
if (
isFree({ x, y }) &&
isAlley({ x: x + 1, y }) &&
isAlley({ x, y: y - 1 }) &&
isAlley({ x: x - 1, y })
return -1
return !isFree({ x, y }) || !inBounds(y - 1)
? count
: calDistance(x, y - 1, car, count + 1)
if (car === 1) {
if (
isFree({ x, y }) &&
isAlley({ x, y: y + 1 }) &&
isAlley({ x, y: y - 1 }) &&
isAlley({ x: x + 1, y })
return -1
return !isFree({ x, y }) || !inBounds(x + 1)
? count
: calDistance(x + 1, y, car, count + 1)
if (car === 2) {
if (
isFree({ x, y }) &&
isAlley({ x: x - 1, y }) &&
isAlley({ x, y: y + 1 }) &&
isAlley({ x: x + 1, y })
return -1
return !isFree({ x, y }) || !inBounds(y + 1)
? count
: calDistance(x, y + 1, car, count + 1)
if (car === 3) {
if (
isFree({ x, y }) &&
isAlley({ x, y: y - 1 }) &&
isAlley({ x: x - 1, y }) &&
isAlley({ x, y: y + 1 })
return -1
return !isFree({ x, y }) || !inBounds(x - 1)
? count
: calDistance(x - 1, y, car, count + 1)
const addToMap = ({ x, y }) => MAP[y * SIZE + x] = 1
const update = (state) => {