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road_intersection: rust s raid 2

lee 4 years ago
  1. 77
  2. 23


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## road_intersection
### Objectives
The objective of this raid is to create a traffic control strategy and represent it with an interface/UI.
Its up to you to decide which library and file system you want do use to create this simulation, but we recommend to use the library [sdl2](
### Instructions
There exists various shapes of intersections, we will focus on the widely seen four-lane intersection. For simplicity each lane will have two directions
| ↓ | ↑ |
| ↓ | ↑ |
| ↓ | ↑ |
| ↓ | ↑ |
| ↓ | ↑ |
| | ↑ |
|r0 r1 r2 | |
_______________________| ← ↓ → | |___________________
| ↑ r3
← ← ← ← ← ← | ← r4 ← ← ← ← ←
| ↓ r5
r11 ↑ |
→ → → → → → r10 → | → → → → → →
r9 ↓ |
_______________________ | ____________________
| | ← ↑ → |
| ↓ |r8 r7 r6 |
| ↓ | |
| ↓ | ↑ |
| ↓ | ↑ |
| ↓ | ↑ |
| ↓ | ↑ |
| ↓ | |
There are 4 incoming lanes. Each lane has a set of consecutive unique ids `(ri, ri, ri)` where `(i = 0, 1, ⋯, 11)`, numbered in clockwise starting from the top-most. Each set of ids
indicates the outgoing direction of a vehicles. Vehicles driving in a given lane will have a given **route** (r0 | r1 .... r11) that indicates the lane destination of that vehicles.
For this raid you must follow these assumptions:
- Vehicles are to be **autonomous**, so Vehicles driving on a lane with a **given route** must follow the direction of that route, its not possible for the
driver to change lane.
- Other traffic units such as pedestrians and emergency vehicles are not considered.
- Vehicles can have different velocities, it is up to you to decide the velocity for each vehicle but it must be at least two different
velocities (0 does not count as a velocity for the vehicle).
- Vehicles should not collide in a traffic lane it should be kept a safety distance from other vehicles
#### **Stop conditions**
Has you know vehicles must not collide, if so you must show some kind of feedback (logs, terminal display or canvas display its up to you to decide) so that the users can conclude
that the vehicles collided. Each lane will have a traffic light system (either imaginary of real), the objective is that each vehicle stops if there is any type of collision with other vehicles. Otherwise the vehicles can proceed in their lane.
You are free to decide what algorithm you want to implement for the traffic light system, but keep in mind that traffic congestion should not be to high.
### Example
You can see some examples [here](TODO : link to the gifts).
### Optional
You can implement the following optional features :
- A visualization of the traffic light, for example: a line that changes color from `Red` to `Green`.
- Vehicle movement animation. You can find some cool assets :
- [finalbossblue](
- [mobilegamegraphics](
### Notions


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#### Functionals
##### Try and run the application.
###### Can you see some kind of object that represents vehicles?
##### Try and run the application.
###### Are vehicles kept in there own lane?
#### General
###### When ever vehicles crash with other vehicles, does the program give some kind of feedback telling so?
###### Does vehicles present at least two different velocities? (ex: 1 and 2. 0 does not count)?
###### Do vehicles collide while waiting for the green light?
#### Bonus
###### +Is there any type of animation for traffic light?
###### +Did the student implement some kind of movement animation for the vehicle?