You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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4 years ago
## Sortable
### Instructions
You are a villain and your dream is to get rid of those annoying, yoga-pant-wearing, weird masked **superheroes**.
You never understood why some of them are considered to be superheroes, just because they are rich. Others annoy you with their philosophical speeches.
4 years ago
We've found _confidential_ information about those superheroes.
4 years ago
**Your task** is to build a web page to organize all the data about those smartypants. All that data can be found [here]( in `all.json`.
You must write all of the code from scratch. You are not allowed to rely on any frameworks or libraries like React, Vue, Svelte etc.
4 years ago
#### Fetching the data
In order to get the information, you should use `fetch`.
When you use `fetch` in JS, it always returns a `Promise`. We will look more deeply into that later on. For now, tak a look at this:
4 years ago
// This function is called only after the data has been fetched, and parsed.
4 years ago
const loadData = heroes => {
4 years ago
// Request the file with fetch, the data will downloaded to your browser cache.
4 years ago
.then((response) => response.json()) // parse the response from JSON
.then(loadData) // .then will call the `loadData` function with the JSON value.
4 years ago
#### Display
Not all the information is valuable at a glance, so we will only show some of the fields in a `<table>` element. The necessary data will be:
4 years ago
- Icon (`.images.xs`, should be displayed as images and not as a string)
- Name (`.name`)
- Full Name (`.biography.fullName`)
- Powerstats (each entry of `.powerstats`)
- Race (`.appearance.race`)
- Gender (`.appearance.gender`)
- Height (`.appearance.height`)
- Weight (`.appearance.weight`)
- Place Of Birth (`.biography.placeOfBirth`)
- Alignement (`.biography.alignment`)
4 years ago
The information must be displayed in multiple pages. Use a `<select>` input to chose the page size from `10`, `20`,`50`, `100` or `all results`.
4 years ago
The default page size selected option must be `20`.
4 years ago
#### Search
It must be possible to filter information by searching the name as a string. For example, searching _"man"_ should find all superheros with `"man"` in their name.
The search should be interactive. In other words, the results should be filtered after every keystroke. So we don't need a "search" button.
4 years ago
#### Sort
It will be valuable to sort the information in the table by any of its columns. Results should be sortable alphabetically or numerically.
- Initially all rows should be sorted by the column `name` by `ascending` order.
- The first click on a column heading will sort the table by the data in that column in `ascending` order.
- Consecutive clicks on a column heading will toggle between `ascending` and `descending`.
- Some of the columns are composed of strings, but represent numerical values. For example, when the `weight` column is sorted in ascending order, then `"78 kg"` must be displayed before `"100 kg"`.
- Missing values should **always** be sorted last, irrespective of `ascending` or `descending`.
> When dealing with heroes, **speed** is critical. All operations must be performed quickly, without slowing the browser down.
### Bonus
Additional features will be critical to your success. Here's a few which will give you a bigger boost:
- Specify the field that the search applies to.
- Custom search operators
- `include`
- `exclude`
- `fuzzy`
- `equal`, `not equal`, `greater than` and `lesser than` for numbers (including weight and height).
- Detail view. Clicking a hero from the list will show all the details and large image.
- A slick design. Spend some time improving the look and feel by playing around with CSS. Have fun with it.
- Modify the URL with the search term, so that if you copy and paste the URL in a different tab, it will display the same column filters. If you have implemented detail view, the state of which hero is displayed should also form part of the URL.