You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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#### NLP-enriched News Intelligence platform
##### Preliminary
###### Does the structure of the project look like the one described in the subject?
###### Does the environment contain all libraries used and their versions that are necessary to run the code?
##### Scraper
##### There are at least 300 news articles stored in the file system or the database.
##### Run the scraper with `python` and fetch 3 documents. The scraper is not expected to fetch 3 documents and stop by itself, you can stop it manually.
###### Does it run without any error and store the 3 files as expected?
##### Topic classifier
###### Are the learning curves provided?
###### Do the learning curves prove the topics classifier is trained correctly - without overfitting?
###### Can you run the topic classifier model on the test set without any error?
###### Does the topic classifier score an accuracy higher than 95%?
##### Scandal detection
###### Does the `` explain the choice of embeddings and distance?
###### Does the DataFrame flag the top 10 articles with the highest likelihood of environmental scandal?
###### Is the distance or similarity saved in the DataFrame?
##### NLP engine output on 300 articles
###### Does the DataFrame contain 300 different rows?
###### Are the columns of the DataFrame as defined in the subject `Deliverable` section?
##### Analyse the DataFrame with 300 articles: relevance of the topics matched, relevance of the sentiment, relevance of the scandal detected and relevance of the companies matched. The algorithms are not 100% accurate, so you should expect a few issues in the results.
##### NLP engine on 3 articles
###### Can you run `python` without any error?
###### Does the output of the NLP engine correspond to the output defined in the subject `Deliverable` section?
##### Analyse the output: relevance of the topic(s) matched, relevance of the sentiment, relevance of the scandal detected (if detected on the three articles) and relevance of the company(ies) matched.