###### Does the readme file give an introduction of the project, show the username, describe the feature engineering and show the best score on the leaderboard?
###### Run the scrapper with `python scrapper_news.py` and fetch 3 documents. The scrapper is not expected to fetch 3 documents and stop by itself, you can stop it manually. does it run without any error and store the 3 files as expected?
##### Analyse the DataFrame with 300 articles: relevance of the topics matched, relevance of the sentiment, relevance of the scandal detected and relevance of the companies matched. The algorithms are not 100% accurate so you should expect a few issues in the results.
###### Does the output of the nlp engine correspond to the output below?
python nlp_enriched_news.py
Enriching <URL>:
Cleaning document ... (optional)
---------- Detect entities ----------
Detected <X> companies which are <company_1> and <company_2>
---------- Topic detection ----------
Text preprocessing ...
The topic of the article is: <topic>
---------- Sentiment analysis ----------
Text preprocessing ... (optional)
The title which is <title> is <sentiment>
The body of the article is <sentiment>
---------- Scandal detection ----------
Computing embeddings and distance ...
Environmental scandal detected for <entity>
##### Analyse the output: relevance of the topic(s) matched, relevance of the sentiment, relevance of the scandal detected (if detected on the three articles) and relevance of the companie(s) matched.