You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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#### Functional
###### Has the requirement for the allowed packages been respected? (Reminder for this project: only [standard packages](
##### Try passing as arguments `--align right something standard`
3 years ago
Usage: go run . [OPTION] [STRING] [BANNER]
3 years ago
Example: go run . --align=right something standard
3 years ago
3 years ago
###### Does it display the same result as above?
3 years ago
##### Try passing as arguments `--align=right left standard`
5 years ago
###### Does it display the correct result at the right side?
##### Try passing as arguments `--align=left right standard `
5 years ago
###### Does it display the correct result at the left side?
##### Try passing as arguments `--align=center hello shadow`
5 years ago
###### Does it display the correct result at the center?
##### Try passing as arguments `--align=justify "1 Two 4" shadow`
5 years ago
###### Does it display the correct result justified?
##### Try passing as arguments `--align=right 23/32 standard`
5 years ago
###### Does it display the correct result at the right side?
##### Try passing as arguments `--align=right ABCabc123 thinkertoy`
5 years ago
###### Does it display the correct result at the right side?
##### Try passing as arguments `--align=center "#$%&\" thinkertoy`
5 years ago
###### Does it display the correct result at the center?
##### Try passing as arguments `--align=left "23Hello World\!" standard `
5 years ago
###### Does it display the correct result at the left side?
##### Try passing as arguments `--align=justify "HELLO there HOW are YOU?\!" thinkertoy`
5 years ago
###### Does it display the correct result justified?
##### Try passing as arguments `--align=right "a -> A b -> B c -> C" shadow `
5 years ago
###### Does it display the correct result at the right side?
##### Try reducing the terminal window and run `--align=right abcd shadow `
5 years ago
###### Does the representation adapt to the terminal size displaying the right result in the right side?
##### Try reducing the terminal window and run `--align=center ola standard `
5 years ago
###### Does the representation adapt to the terminal size displaying the right result in the center?
##### Try passing as arguments a random string with lower and upper case letters, and the align flag ("--align=") followed by a random alignment (left, right, center or justify).
5 years ago
###### Does it display the expected result?
##### Try passing as arguments a random string with lower case letters, numbers and spaces, and the align flag ("--align=") followed by a random alignment (left, right, center or justify).
5 years ago
###### Does it display the expected result?
##### Try passing as arguments a random string with special characters, and the align flag ("--align=") followed by a random alignment (left, right, center or justify).
5 years ago
###### Does it display the expected result?
##### Try passing as arguments a random string with lower, upper case, spaces and numbers letters, and the align flag ("--align=") followed by a random alignment (left, right, center or justify).
5 years ago
###### Does it display the expected result?
3 years ago
###### As an auditor, is this project up to every standard? If not, why are you failing the project?(Empty Work, Incomplete Work, Invalid Compilation, Cheating, Crashing, Leaks)
#### Basic
3 years ago
###### +Does the project runs quickly and effectively (Favoring of recursive, no unnecessary data requests, etc.)?
5 years ago
3 years ago
###### +Is the output of the program well structured? Are the characters are correctly in line?
5 years ago
3 years ago
###### +Is there a test file for this code?
5 years ago
3 years ago
###### +Are the tests checking each possible case?
5 years ago
3 years ago
###### +Does the code obey the [good practices](../../good-practices/
#### Social
3 years ago
###### +Did you learn anything from this project?
5 years ago
3 years ago
###### +Would you recommend/nominate this program as an example for the rest of the school?