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# Addition of repository procedure
## Introduction
This document is a guide on how to add your own repository to store your projects and exercises.
This guide assumes that you have understood the files structures of the repository [public](
4 years ago
It will only address the settings part of this task.
4 years ago
The addition of projects will be treated first as it does not require the knowledge of Docker.
4 years ago
However being familiar with Docker is **mandatory** for adding your own exercises with your own tests.
## Prerequisites
4 years ago
- A GitHub account where your exercises repository will be stored [](
- A Docker Hub account [](
## Setup of GitHub repository
### Create your own public repository
4 years ago
Once logged into your GitHub account, click on the creation of new repository:
It is the button `New` (the button is on the top corner right side).
### Git clone your repository and prepare an example for the folder structure for projects
- Create a folder called `subjects`.
- Inside this folder create a folder called what you wish (example: `firstproject`).
- Inside the folder `firstproject` create a `` file which you will use as the subject content of your first project.
- After the subject content `` is created, create a folder `audit` inside the `firstproject` directory.
- Inside the `audit` folder create a `` that respect the audit type of file. We advise you to take an example such as the
ascii-art audit `` file. Here is the [link]( to the raw file.
- Once all those files are done, git push them to your new repository.
4 years ago
### Publish the repository on GitHub pages
- Go to the settings tab of your projects repository.
- On the option page find the GitHub Pages section.
4 years ago
- Please see below the settings to follow.
(Please not that it might take up to 10 mins for your page to be published)
4 years ago
![screenshot 1](img/adding-exercises-repository/1.png)
4 years ago
- You will notice that a message says Your site is published at “”
4 years ago
### Configuration of Docker image (if exercises tests need to be added)
4 years ago
The container runs with the following settings (options of `docker run`) :
- `--read-only`
- Mount the container's root filesystem as read only
- `--network none`
- Connect a container to a network without Internet
- `--memory 500M`
- Memory limit
- `--cpus 2.0`
- Number of CPUs
- `--user 1000:1000`
- Username or UID (format: <name|uid>[:<group|gid>])
- `--env EXERCISE=hello-world`
- Exercise name
- `--env USERNAME=aeinstein`
- Student's login
- `--env HOME=/jail`
- Home directory of the container
- `--env TMPDIR=/jail`
- Temporary directory of the container
- `--workdir /jail`
- Working directory inside the container
- `--tmpfs /jail:size=100M,noatime,exec,nodev,nosuid,uid=1000,gid=1000,nr_inodes=5k,mode=1700`
- Mount a tmpfs directory on `/jail`, 100 MB writable.
- `--volume volume_containing_student_repository:/jail/student`
- Bind mount a volume containing the student repository.
4 years ago
Example of a [Dockerfile]( and its [entrypoint](
## The addition of a custom project
**Take note of the paths of a project subject you added and add them to the attributes**
If user Frenchris, added an exercise to the nameofyourrepo called `firstproject`
4 years ago
This is the path where the subject would be.
Note that you do not keep the at the end of the path but you do keep the `/`.
4 years ago
This path should be added to the attribute “subject” of type string in the object attribute of the new exercise.
4 years ago
Additionally the audit path would be.
4 years ago
This path should be added to the attribute “subject” of type string in the object attribute of the new exercise.
- Once both those path are noted, create your project on your server.
- Add the regular attributes (`groupMin`, `groupMax`, `language`, `exerciseType`).
- Add the optional attributes to test if your wish (`auditsRatio`, `auditsRequired`) both set to 1.
- And add the `audit` and `subject` attributes (of type `string`) with the previously noted paths.
4 years ago
Now that the attributes are filled.
4 years ago
- Create a module, called `Div-custom` for example. Add its standard attributes.
- Add `firstproject` as a child to `Div-custom`.
**Note**: If you do not wish students from other events to be selected for matches in this new event.
in the children attributes of the module,
- Add `matchWhere` as a `FUNCTION`.
- Set its value to `USERINEVENT`.
This attribute will isole the event during matches to the user of the event.
- Add this `Div-custom` as a child in your campus object.
- Go to event, and launch the event `yourcampus/Div-custom`.
- Add yourself and other testing accounts to the newly launched event.
- Test your subject by creating a group and launching an audit
4 years ago
If the paths are correctly inputed and your repository is correctly publicly published on GitHub pages, you will see your subject and your audit in the platform.
4 years ago
## Setup of your Docker repository
4 years ago
1. Sign in your Docker Hub account and link it to your repository.
2. In your account, go to your settings and link your GitHub account.
3. Create a repository named “test” and make sure that your GitHub account is linked.
If you see this image,
4 years ago
![screenshot 2](img/adding-exercises-repository/2.png)
4 years ago
It means your GitHub account is correctly linked.
4. In the Builds tab configure the automated build settings as below (for the go tests).
4 years ago
![screenshot 3](img/adding-exercises-repository/3.png)
5. Once the build is complete (it can take 5 to 15 mins). Go back to the attributes of the exercise:
4 years ago
- Add the attribute **testImage (type string)**.
The `testImage` attribute is the name of the [Docker]( image used to run the container responsible for testing the student's code.
4 years ago
- Fill it with the name of the repository,
**in this example: frenchris/test**
6. Once your exercise has both the attributes completed correctly, the exercise is viable and can be tested on the server which was selected for its addition.
7. As a reminder to test the exercise it is suggested to follow these steps:
- `Create` a custom `Quest-test` object
- `Adding` the new `exercise` object as a child to the newly created `Quest-test` object
- `Create` a `Piscine-test` object
- `Adding` the new `Quest-test` as a child to the newly created `Piscine-test` object
- `Adding` the `Piscine-test` to the `campus` object as **first child**
- Go to the event page and launch the newly created `Piscine-test`. (You may need to refresh the page 2-3 times before the `campus/Piscine-test` option appears)
- Once the event is launched, use the event page to add yourself as a student in the launched event `Piscine-test`
- You can now try the exercise. If everything is well set, the subject should be loaded and, when you submit a correct solution, the exercise should pass.