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## StarPlanet
### Instructions
Create a new class `Planet` in a file named ``.
This class inherits `CelestialObject`.
It has one private property : `centerStar` of type `Star`.
There are two constructors :
- one with no parameters, which calls the superclass constructor with no parameters. In this case, the `centerStar` property is initialized with the default Star constructor.
- one with many parameters :
- `name`
- `x`
- `y`
- `z`
- `centerStar`
which calls the superclass constructor with full parameters.
We add a getter and a setter for the centerStar property (`getCenterStar` and `setCenterStar`).
We will override the `hashCode` and `equals`, using the `centerStar` property.
Finally, we rewrite the `toString` method. The returned String must have the following format : `<name> circles around <> at the <distanceWithCenterStar> AU`.
The `distanceWithCenterStar` is computed using the `distanceBetween` method with the planet and its center star.##
# Usage
Here is a possible to test your function :
public class ExerciseRunner {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Planet earth = new Planet();
Planet naboo = new Planet("Naboo", 17.4389, 8349.1, 8943.92, new Star("Betelgeuse", 128.23, -12.82, 32.328, 1289.3));
and its output :
$ javac *.java -d build
$ java -cp build ExerciseRunner
Naboo circles around Betelgeuse at the 12220.902 AU
Soleil circles around Soleil at the 0.000 AU
Betelgeuse shines at the 1289.300 magnitude