###### Is the mapping between the importance of the features and the features' name correct? You should be careful here to associate the right variables to the their feature importance. Sometimes, the preprocessing pipeline can remove some features during the features selection step for instance.
###### These are important to understand for example the age of the client. If the data could be scaled or modified in the preprocessing pipeline but the data visualised here should be "raw". Are the visualisations computed for the 3 clients?
##### SHAP values on the model are displayed through a summary plot that shows the important features and their impact on the target. This is optional if you have already computed the features importance.
###### Are the 3 clients selected as expected? 2 clients from the train set (1 on which the model is correct and 1 on which the model's wrong) and 1 client from the test set.
###### SHAP values on predictions are computed for the 3 clients. The force plot shows what variables contributes the most to the score. Does the score outputted by the force plot correspond to the one outputted by the model?