@ -6,11 +6,59 @@ This exercise consists in creating curry functions to apply in the object's entr
You will have to create the following curry functions:
- `defaultCurry` curries two objects in which the second object overrides the values of the first. If the key is not present then add it with the corresponding value.
- `mapCurry` replicates function `.map` , where first entry is function, second is object.
http: 403,
connection: 'close',
contentType: 'multipart/form-data',
})({ http: 200, connection: 'open', requestMethod: 'GET' })
// output
http: 200,
connection: 'open',
contentType: 'multipart/form-data',
requestMethod: 'GET'
- `mapCurry` replicates function `.map` , where first entry is a function, second is an object.
mapCurry(([k, v]) => [`${k}_force`, v])(personnel)
// output
lukeSkywalker_force: { id: 5, pilotingScore: 98, shootingScore: 56, isForceUser: true },
sabineWren_force: { id: 82, pilotingScore: 73, shootingScore: 99, isForceUser: false },
zebOrellios_force: { id: 22, pilotingScore: 20, shootingScore: 59, isForceUser: false },
ezraBridger_force: { id: 15, pilotingScore: 43, shootingScore: 67, isForceUser: true },
calebDume_force: { id: 11, pilotingScore: 71, shootingScore: 85, isForceUser: true },
- `reduceCurry` replicates function `.reduce` , where first entry is function, second is (object, initial value).
reduceCurry((acc, [k, v]) => (acc += v))({ a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }, 0)
// output
- `filterCurry` replicates function `.filter` , where first entry is function, second is object.
You have to create for each curry function the following functions with one parameter `personnel` :
filterCurry(([k, v]) => typeof v === 'string' || k === 'arr')({
str: 'string',
nbr: 1,
arr: [1, 2],
// output
{ str: 'string', arr: [1, 2] }
Using each curry function create the following functions with one parameter `personnel` :
- `reduceScore` that will return the total value of the scores
of the persons who use the force
@ -19,7 +67,6 @@ You have to create for each curry function the following functions with one para
- `mapAverage` that will return a new object with the propriety `averageScore`
that is the average of the scores for each person
### Notions
- [devdocs.io/javascript/global_objects/array/filter ](https://devdocs.io/javascript/global_objects/array/filter )
@ -28,7 +75,6 @@ You have to create for each curry function the following functions with one para
- [devdocs.io/javascript/global_objects/object/entries ](https://devdocs.io/javascript/global_objects/object/entries )
- [devdocs.io/javascript/global_objects/object/fromentries ](https://devdocs.io/javascript/global_objects/object/fromentries )
### Code provided
> all code provided will be added to your solution and doesn't need to be submited.