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update tell-me-how-many subject and tests

Louise Foussat 4 years ago committed by Clément
  1. 64
  2. 31


@ -1,70 +1,48 @@
import * as cp from 'child_process'
import fs from 'fs/promises'
import { join, resolve, isAbsolute } from 'path'
import { mkdir, writeFile } from 'fs/promises'
import { join, isAbsolute } from 'path'
import { tmpdir } from 'os'
import { promisify } from 'util'
const mkdir = fs.mkdir
const rmdir = fs.rmdir
const writeFile = fs.writeFile
const exec = promisify(cp.exec)
export const tests = []
export const setup = async () => {
export const setup = async ({ path }) => {
const randomFilesNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * (30 - 1) + 1)
const dir = tmpdir()
const dir = `${tmpdir()}/tell-me-how-many`
// check if already exists and rm?
await mkdir(`${dir}/random`)
await mkdir(dir)
for (let i = 0; i < randomFilesNumber; i++) {
await writeFile(`${dir}/random/${i}.txt`, '', 'utf8')
await writeFile(`${dir}/${i}.txt`, '', 'utf8')
const run = async (cmd) => {
const cmdPath = isAbsolute(cmd || '') ? cmd : join(dir, cmd || '')
const { stdout } = await exec(`node ${path} ${cmdPath}`)
return { randomFilesNumber, tmpPath: dir }
return { stdout: stdout.trim() }
const countDirLength = async ({ dirLength, arg, ctx, path, eq }) => {
const scriptPath = join(resolve(), path)
const { stdout } = await exec(`node ${scriptPath} ${arg}`, {
cwd: arg ? `${ctx.tmpPath}` : `${ctx.tmpPath}/random`,
// await rmdir(`${ctx.tmpPath}/random`, { recursive: true })
return eq(Number(stdout.trim()), dirLength)
return { randomFilesNumber, tmpPath: dir, run }
tests.push(async ({ path, eq, ctx }) => {
// will execute the script with "random" as an argument
// `random` folder has a random file number
return countDirLength({
arg: 'random',
dirLength: ctx.randomFilesNumber,
// will execute the script in a folder named `tell-me-how-many`
// '../tell-me-how-many' in the argument passed
// `tell-me-how-many` folder has a random file number
const { stdout } = await'../tell-me-how-many')
return eq(Number(stdout), ctx.randomFilesNumber)
tests.push(async ({ path, eq, ctx }) => {
// will execute the script without argument
// in the `random` folder
return countDirLength({
arg: '',
dirLength: ctx.randomFilesNumber,
const { stdout } = await
return eq(Number(stdout), ctx.randomFilesNumber)
tests.push(async ({ path, eq, ctx }) => {
// will execute the script with `random` folder's absolute path as argument
return countDirLength({
arg: `${ctx.tmpPath}/random`,
dirLength: ctx.randomFilesNumber,
// will execute the script with `tell-me-how-many` folder's absolute path as argument
const { stdout } = await
return eq(Number(stdout), ctx.randomFilesNumber)


@ -2,32 +2,27 @@
### Instructions
Your very special partner's birthday is coming soon. So you've decided to organise a very special party. Invitations has been sent for a while... and good news: answers are back. We didn't count it, you've been too generous. But we saved every one of them as a file in a special folder for you. Have fun!
Your very favorite person's birthday is coming soon. So you've decided to organise a very special party 🥳🪅🎤
Invitations has been sent for a while...
Good news: answers are back!
Psst: Sorry buddy, we didn't count it, you've been too generous. But we saved every one of them as a file in a special folder for you. Have fun!
Create a `tell-me-how-many.mjs` script that:
- takes a relative or absolute folder path as argument from the command line
- read this directory path
- get the number of entries in this folder
- print the result in console
- Take a relative or absolute folder path as argument from the command line.
- Read this directory path.
- Get the number of entries in this folder.
- Print the result in console.
If there is no argument passed, the script must execute itself in the current directory
### Notions
- [Node file system: `readdir`](
- [Node path: `isAbsolute`](
<!-- + check if is directory ?? -->
- [Node stat](
- [Node stat: `isDirectory`](
- [Node process: `argv`](
- [Node path: `resolve`](
- [Node path: `join`](
### Provided files
Download [``]( to have at your disposal the `guests` folder containing the files to count in your script. You must save it in your `tell-me-how-many` exercise folder to test your script on it.
Download [``]( to have at your disposal the `guests` folder containing the files to count in your script. You must save it in your `tell-me-how-many` exercise folder to test your script on it.
