@ -46,23 +46,21 @@ If you made it until here pretty fast, now the fun will begin! You're gonna add
- In the Contact section, when clicking on the "Introduce yourself" button, get the text typed in the `input` and display it in the middle of the following sentence: "Nice to meet you _[put here the input data]_ 👋! Thanks for introducing yourself." Also, the `<p>`, `<input>`&`<button>` elements have to disappear after the button has been clicked.
- When clicking on a card, open a modale window that will show the whole article ; the modale will be closed either when clicking on a "Close" button, or when the "Escape" key is pressed.
- In the modale article, create a widget that allows to change the text alignment ; on click on `left` or `center` buttons, the layout changes to the chosen justification, and the selected option's `font-weight` becomes `bold` whereas the other becomes `light`.
- Warrior option: set the `header` text content with a random quote every time the page is loaded, and then every 4 seconds. You can use this marvelous [Chuck Norris API](https://api.chucknorris.io/) to [fetch](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Fetch_API/Using_Fetch) his most inspiring sayings and display them in your own page!
- Warrior option: change the `header` text content to be a random quote every time the page is loaded. You can use this marvelous [Chuck Norris API](https://api.chucknorris.io/) to [fetch](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Fetch_API/Using_Fetch) his most inspiring sayings and display them in your own page!