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LEEDASILVA 5 years ago committed by GitHub
No known key found for this signature in database
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@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
##### This is for a go exercise in the piscine-go
## **1. Writing the subject and / or writing the solution**
Always address each exceptional cases.
Example: [fprime](
The exceptional cases in the `usage` part.
student@ubuntu:~/piscine-go/test$ go build
student@ubuntu:~/piscine-go/test$ ./test 225225
student@ubuntu:~/piscine-go/test$ ./test 8333325
student@ubuntu:~/piscine-go/test$ ./test 0
student@ubuntu:~/piscine-go/test$ ./test 1
The subject states that only **positive integer** will be tested, however, 0 and 1 are not primes.
The subject writer made a mistake because of forgetting that fact.
During the exam, the test was testing the `1` case and expecting a `1\n` to be printed. The real result should only have been a `\n`.
Some students found this mistake. An update of the subject during the exam treating that special case was immediately necessary.
1. Try to avoid the “you” and contracted “language”
2. Always check the formating md
### fprime <span style="color:#ff3234">(Title of the exercise)</span>
#### Instructions <span style="color:#ff3234">(Instructions of the exercise)</span>
Write a program that takes a positive `int` and displays its prime factors, followed by a newline (`'\n'`). <span style="color:#ff3234">(general guidelines, notice the imperative style tense and the avoidance of “you”. “You” is authorized in the case of a presence of a back story where the player is immersed)</span>
- Factors must be displayed in ascending order and separated by `*`. <span style="color:#ff3234">(formating requirement) </span>
- If the number of parameters is different from 1, the program displays a newline. <span style="color:#ff3234">(special case requirement, this case will need to be tested)</span>
- The input, when there is one, will always be valid. <span style="color:#ff3234">(Clarification on what the tester will do, hence giving the student guidelines on the cases to be handled, the tests have to reflect this instruction as well)</span>
- In this exercise the primes factor of 1 is considered as 1. <span style="color:#ff3234">(Handling of exceptional case: THIS Happens to be a mistake, we will see uses this example for the “UPDATING A SUBJECT/TEST PROCEDURE”)</sapn>
### Usage
student@ubuntu:~/piscine-go/test$ go build
student@ubuntu:~/piscine-go/test$ ./test 225225
student@ubuntu:~/piscine-go/test$ ./test 8333325
student@ubuntu:~/piscine-go/test$ ./test 9539
student@ubuntu:~/piscine-go/test$ ./test 804577
student@ubuntu:~/piscine-go/test$ ./test 42
student@ubuntu:~/piscine-go/test$ ./test a
student@ubuntu:~/piscine-go/test$ ./test 0
student@ubuntu:~/piscine-go/test$ ./test 1
## **2. Creating the files for tests (4 main cases)**
### always in -> *all/tests/go/*
### **Folder organization**
- Function exercise in a Quest `(strlen)`
- 2 files:
- strlen_test.go
- solutions/strlen.goz
| strlen_test.go
| __ solutions
| |-strlen.go (package solutions)
| __ student (the same thing as the solutions, just run "cp -aT solutions/ student/")
- Program exercise in a Quest `(doop)`
- 2 files
- doop_test.go
- solutions/doop/main.go
| doop_test.go
| __ solutions
| |__doop
| |-main.go (package main)
| __ student (the same thing as the solutions, just run "cp -aT solutions/ student/")
- Program exercise in the exam `(dooprog)`
- 2 files
- solutions/doopprog/main.go
- solutions/doopprog/doopprog_test.go
| __ solutions
| | __ doopprog
| |-main.go (package main)
| |-doopprog_test.go
| __ student (the same thing as the solutions, just run "cp -aT solutions/ student/")
- Function exercise in the exam `(atoiprog)`
- 3 files
- solutions/atoi.go
- solutions/atoiprog/main.go
- solutions/atoiprog/atoiprog_test.go
| __ solutions
| |
| |-atoi.go (package solutions)
| |__atoiprog
| |-main.go (package main)(func main(){} stays empty)
| |-atoiprog_test.go
| __ student (the same thing as the solutions, just run "cp -aT solutions/ student/")
## **3. Writing a file_test.go (test file for go)**
### <span style="color:#00bae6">**RULE 1**</span>
- Make the test as independent as possible (no self-made functions imported)
- **If** the source is not in the import section, copy and paste the function, with **lowercase** for the first letter of its name.
- Example: addprimesum_test.go
The func isAPrime is fully copied to the file.
### <span style="color:#00bae6">**RULE 2**</span>
Every special case in the subject should be tested. Preferably first. Before the randoms tests
### <span style="color:#00bae6">**RULE 3**</span>
Whenever possible do at least 1 random test! This is to avoid cheating by predictability of the tests. If the tests are fixed, then the student may create a forest of ifs program to bypass the tester.
### z01.functions to be used by tester
- Function exercise in a Quest (strlen) ![z01sl](strlenz01.png)
z01.Challenge(t, studentSol, studentStu) // if the program doesn’t have arguments
z01.Challenge(t, studentSol, studentStu, args...) //if the program has arguments
- Program exercise in a Quest (doop) ![z01doop](doopz01.png)<- Screenshots to be added.
z01.ChallengeMain(t) // if the program doesn’t have arguments
z01.ChallengeMain(t, args...) // if the program has arguments
- Program exercise in the exam (dooprog) Screenshots to be added.
z01.ChallengeMainExam(t) // if the program doesn’t have arguments
z01.ChallengeMainExam (t, args...) // if the program has arguments
- Function exercise in the exam (Atoiprog) Screenshots to be added.
z01.Challenge(t, studentSol, studentStu) // if the program doesn’t have arguments
z01.Challenge(t, studentSol, studentStu, args...) //if the program has arguments
## **4. Testing locally (`go test` or `go test -run=Test\<nameOfTheFunction\>`)**
### you do -run=... because you have many test files, so you need to run just one
### Before every PR : a go test has to be executed (in several situations) in the folder(s) of the exercise(s) worked on
**First thing first**
rm -r student
cp -aT solutions/ student
### Execute a go test in the appropriate folder
- Function exercise in a Quest `(strlen)` ![](image.png)
go test -run=TestStrlen
- Program exercise in a Quest `(doop)` ![](image.png)<- Screenshots to be added.
go test -run=TestDoop
- Program exercise in the exam `(dooprog)` Screenshots to be added.
Here you can do just *go test*, because there's only one test file
go test
- Function exercise in the exam `(atoiprog)` Screenshots to be added.
go test
### **NOTE:** If a go test gives a (cached) result, use this type of command (example with raid3):
```go test count=1 raid3_test.go```
The result should be an OK message:
- This means that the test is running correctly when the correct solution is given. If this does not work, the test file is likely to have errors inside.
- Time should be under 5-6 seconds. If longer, remove some of the iteration of the random tests (for example, less random tests)
- Be watchful of exercises with challenge function: Always test a copy of the variable and not the same variable for both the student and the solution function.
- Introduce errors in the student solution.go file in order to see the errors message and compare them to the subject examples.
- Error messages for structures exercises (linked lists, binary trees) need to be tailored accordingly.


@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Install Docker
script_dir="$(cd -P "$(dirname "$BASH_SOURCE")" && pwd)"
cd $script_dir
apt-get -y install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl gnupg-agent software-properties-common
curl -fsSL | apt-key add -
add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] disco stable"
apt-get update
apt-get -y install docker-ce docker-ce-cli
adduser student docker


@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ cd $script_dir
disk=$(lsblk -o tran,kname,hotplug,type,fstype -pr |
grep -e nvme -e sata -e sas -e ata |
grep -e nvme -e sata -e sas -e ata -e vda |
grep '0 disk' |
cut -d' ' -f2 |
sort |
@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ apt-get -yf install
# Install additional packages


@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ services="


@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
###### Does the project have a DockerFile?
##### Try running the [command]( `"docker image build [OPTIONS] PATH | URL | -"` to build the image. (example : `"docker image build -f Dockerfile -t <name_of_the_image> ."`).
##### Try running the [command]( `"docker image build [OPTIONS] PATH | URL | -"` to build the image using the project Dockerfile. (example : `"docker image build -f Dockerfile -t <name_of_the_image> ."`).
student$ docker images
###### Run the command `"docker images"` to see all images. Does the docker image build as above?
##### Try running the [command]( `"docker container run [OPTIONS] IMAGE [COMMAND] [ARG...]"` to start the container. (example : `"docker container run -p <port_you_what_to_run> --detach --name <name_of_the_container> <name_of_the_image>"`)
##### Try running the [command]( `"docker container run [OPTIONS] IMAGE [COMMAND] [ARG...]"` to start the container using the image just created. (example : `"docker container run -p <port_you_what_to_run> --detach --name <name_of_the_container> <name_of_the_image>"`)
student$ docker ps -a


@ -1,31 +1,43 @@
#### Functional
##### Try passing as arguments `"hello world" --color=red`.
###### Does it displays the expected result?
###### Does it display the expected result?
##### Try passing as arguments `"1 + 1 = 2" --color=green`.
###### Does it display the expected result?
##### Try passing as arguments `"(%&) ??" --color=yellow`.
###### Does it display the expected result?
##### Try specifying a set of letters to be colored (the second until the last letter).
###### Does it displays the expected result (the corresponding set of letters with that color)?
##### Try specifying letter to be colored(the second letter).
###### Does it displays the expected result (the corresponding letter with that color)?
###### Does it display the expected result (the corresponding set of letters with that color)?
##### Try specifying letter to be colored (the second letter).
###### Does it display the expected result (the corresponding letter with that color)?
##### Try specifying letter to be colored(just two letter).
###### Does it displays the expected result (the corresponding letters with that color)?
###### Does it display the expected result (the corresponding letters with that color)?
##### Try passing as arguments `"HeY GuYs" --color=orange`, in order to color `GuYs`.
###### Does it display the expected result?
##### Try passing as arguments `"RGB()" --color=blue`, in order to color just the B.
###### Does it display the expected result?
##### Try passing as arguments a random string with lower and upper case letters, and a random color in the color flag ("--color=").
###### Does it display the expected result?
##### Try passing as arguments a random string with lower case letters, numbers and spaces, and a random color in the color flag ("--color=").
###### Does it display the expected result?
##### Try passing as arguments a random string with special characters, and a random color in the color flag ("--color="), specifying one letter to be coloured.
###### Does it display the expected result?
##### Try passing as arguments a random string with lower, upper case, spaces and numbers letters and a random color in the color flag ("--color="), specifying a set of letters to be coloured.
###### Does it display the expected result?
#### General
##### +Is it easy/intuitive to specify letter(s) to be coloured?
##### +Can you use more than one color in the same string?
###### +Is it easy/intuitive to specify letter(s) to be colored?
###### +Can you use more than one color in the same string?
#### Basic
###### +Does the project runs quickly and effectively (Favoring of recursive, no unnecessary data requests, etc.)?
###### +Is the output of the program well structured? Does any letter seems to be out of line?
###### +Does the project run quickly and effectively (favoring of recursive, no unnecessary data requests, etc.)?
###### +Is the output of the program well structured? Does any letter seem to be out of line?
###### +Is there a test file for this code?
###### +Are the tests checking each possible case?
###### +Does the code obey the [good practices](


@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
You must follow the same [instructions]( as in the first subject but with colors.
- The output should manipulate colors using the **flag** `--color=<color>`, in which `--color` is the flag and `<color>` is the color of choice.
- The output should manipulate colors using the **flag** `--color=<color>`, in which `--color` is the flag and `<color>` is the color name of choice (ex: orange, green, blue).
- The colors must respect the [RGB]( concept.
- You should be able to specify a single or a set of letters you want to be colored (use your imagination for this one).
- If the letter isn't specified, the whole `string` should be colored.


@ -109,8 +109,25 @@ o-O-o o o-o o o o-o o o o | o o o--O
###### Does it display the string in the right template as an ASCII art representation as above?
##### Try passing as arguments a random string with upper and lower case letters followed by one of the templates names (standard, shadow, thinkertoy, or other).
###### Does it display the expected string in the right template as an ASCII art representation?
##### Try passing as arguments a random string with numbers followed by one of the templates names (standard, shadow, thinkertoy, or other).
###### Does it display the expected string in the right template as an ASCII art representation?
##### Try passing as arguments a random string with special characters followed by one of the templates names (standard, shadow, thinkertoy, or other).
###### Does it display the expected string in the right template as an ASCII art representation?
##### Try passing as arguments a random string with numbers, spaces, special characters, upper and lower case letters followed by one of the templates names (standard, shadow, thinkertoy, or other).
###### Does it display the expected string in the right template as an ASCII art representation?
###### Is the file system well organized?
#### General
###### +Does the project contain their own templates?
#### Basic
###### +Does the project runs quickly and effectively (Favoring of recursive, no unnecessary data requests, etc.)?


@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ student@ubuntu:~/ascii-art$ ./ascii-art "hello" standard
|_| |_| \___| |_| |_| \___/
student@ubuntu:~/ascii-art$ ./ascii-art "Hello There" shadow
student@ubuntu:~/ascii-art$ ./ascii-art "Hello There!" shadow
_| _| _| _| _|_|_|_|_| _| _|
_| _| _|_| _| _| _|_| _| _|_|_| _|_| _| _|_| _|_| _|
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ _| _| _| _| _| _| _| _| _| _| _| _| _|
_| _| _|_|_| _| _| _|_| _| _| _| _|_|_| _| _|_|_| _|
student@ubuntu:~/ascii-art$ ./ascii-art "Hello There" thinkertoy
student@ubuntu:~/ascii-art$ ./ascii-art "Hello There!" thinkertoy
o o o o o-O-o o
| | | | | | o


@ -1,50 +1,83 @@
#### Functional Project Questions
##### Try passing as arguments `left standard --align=right`
###### Does it displays the correct result at the right side?
##### Try passing as arguments `"left standard --align=right"`
##### Try passing as arguments `right standard --align=left`
###### Does it displays the correct result at the left side?
###### Does it display the correct result at the right side?
##### Try passing as arguments `hello shadow --align=center`
###### Does it displays the correct result at the center?
##### Try passing as arguments `"right standard --align=left"`
##### Try passing as arguments `"1 Two 4" shadow --align=justify`
###### Does it displays the correct result justified?
###### Does it display the correct result at the left side?
##### Try passing as arguments `23/32 standard --align=right`
###### Does it displays the correct result at the right side?
##### Try passing as arguments `"hello shadow --align=center"`
##### Try passing as arguments `ABCabc123 thinkertoy --align=right`
###### Does it displays the correct result at the right side?
###### Does it display the correct result at the center?
##### Try passing as arguments `'!#$%&"' thinkertoy --align=center`
###### Does it displays the correct result at the center?
##### Try passing as arguments `""1 Two 4" shadow --align=justify"`
##### Try passing as arguments `"23Hello World!" standard --align=left`
###### Does it displays the correct result at the left side?
###### Does it display the correct result justified?
##### Try passing as arguments `"HELLO there HOW are YOU?!" thinkertoy --align=justify`
###### Does it displays the correct result justified?
##### Try passing as arguments `"23/32 standard --align=right"`
##### Try passing as arguments `"a -> A b -> B c -> C" shadow --align=right`
###### Does it displays the correct result at the right side?
###### Does it display the correct result at the right side?
##### Try reducing the terminal window and run `abcd shadow --align=right`
###### Does the representation adapt to the terminal size displaying the right result in the right side?
##### Try passing as arguments `"ABCabc123 thinkertoy --align=right"`
###### Does it display the correct result at the right side?
##### Try passing as arguments `"#$%&" thinkertoy --align=center"`
###### Does it display the correct result at the center?
##### Try passing as arguments `""23Hello World!" standard --align=left"`
###### Does it display the correct result at the left side?
##### Try passing as arguments `""HELLO there HOW are YOU?!" thinkertoy --align=justify"`
###### Does it display the correct result justified?
##### Try passing as arguments `""a -> A b -> B c -> C" shadow --align=right"`
###### Does it display the correct result at the right side?
##### Try reducing the terminal window and run `"abcd shadow --align=right"`
##### Try reducing the terminal window and run `ola standard --align=center`
###### Does the representation adapt to the terminal size displaying the right result in the right side?
##### Try reducing the terminal window and run `"ola standard --align=center"`
###### Does the representation adapt to the terminal size displaying the right result in the center?
##### Try passing as arguments a random string with lower and upper case letters, and the align flag ("--align=") followed by a random alignment (left, right, center or justify).
###### Does it display the expected result?
##### Try passing as arguments a random string with lower case letters, numbers and spaces, and the align flag ("--align=") followed by a random alignment (left, right, center or justify).
###### Does it display the expected result?
##### Try passing as arguments a random string with special characters, and the align flag ("--align=") followed by a random alignment (left, right, center or justify).
###### Does it display the expected result?
##### Try passing as arguments a random string with lower, upper case, spaces and numbers letters, and the align flag ("--align=") followed by a random alignment (left, right, center or justify).
###### Does it display the expected result?
#### Basic
###### +Does the project runs quickly and effectively (Favoring of recursive, no unnecessary data requests, etc.)?
###### +Is the output of the program well structured? Does any letter seems to be out of line?
###### +Is there a test file for this code?
###### +Are the tests checking each possible case?
###### +Does the code obey the [good practices](
#### Social
###### +Did you learn anything from this project?
###### +Would you recommend/nominate this program as an example for the rest of the school?


@ -121,6 +121,18 @@ student$ cat test07.txt
###### Does it save the right output in the right file?
##### Try passing as arguments a random string with lower and upper case letters, and the output flag ("--output=") followed by a random file name.
###### Does it save the right output in the right file?
##### Try passing as arguments a random string with lower case letters, numbers and spaces, and the output flag ("--output=") followed by a random file name.
###### Does it save the right output in the right file?
##### Try passing as arguments a random string with special characters, and the output flag ("--output=") followed by a random file name.
###### Does it save the right output in the right file?
##### Try passing as arguments a random string with lower, upper case, spaces and numbers letters, and the output flag ("--output=") followed by a random file name.
###### Does it save the right output in the right file?
###### Are all the test files tested saved?
#### Basic


@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
### Objectives
- You must follow the same [instructions]( as in the first subject but writing the result into a file.
- You must follow the same [instructions]( as in the first subject **while** writing the result into a file.
- The file must be named by using the flag `--output=<fileName.txt>`, in which `--output` is the flag and `<fileName.txt>` is the file name.
@ -13,13 +13,13 @@ This project will help you learn about :
- Ways to receive data.
- Ways to output data.
- Manipulation of strings.
- Learning about the choice of outputs.
- Choices of outputs.
### Instructions
- Your project must be written in **Go**.
- The code must respect the [**good practices**](
- It is recommended that the code should present a **test file**.
- It is recommended that the code presents a **test file**.
### Usage


@ -25,6 +25,18 @@
###### Does it display the value above?
##### Try passing to the reverse flag a file containing a graphical representation in ASCII of a random string with lower and upper case letters.
###### Does it display the expected result?
##### Try passing to the reverse flag a file containing a graphical representation in ASCII of a random string with lower case letters, numbers and spaces.
###### Does it display the expected result?
##### Try passing to the reverse flag a file containing a graphical representation in ASCII of a random string with special characters.
###### Does it display the expected result?
##### Try passing to the reverse flag a file containing a graphical representation in ASCII of a random string with lower, upper case, spaces and numbers letters.
###### Does it display the expected result?
#### Basic
###### +Does the project runs quickly and effectively? (Favoring recursive, no unnecessary data requests, etc)


@ -106,13 +106,13 @@
###### Does it display the right graphical representation in ASCII as above?
##### Try passing `"1a\"#FdwHywR&/()="` as argument.
_ _ _ _ ______ _ _ _ _____ __ __ __
_ ( | ) _| || |_ | ____| | | | | | | | __ \ ___ / / / / \ \ ______
/ | __ _ V V |_ __ _| | |__ __| | __ __ | |__| | _ _ __ __ | |__) | ( _ ) / / | | | | |______|
| | / _` | _| || |_ | __| / _` | \ \ /\ / / | __ | | | | | \ \ /\ / / | _ / / _ \/\ / / | | | | ______
| | | (_| | |_ __ _| | | | (_| | \ V V / | | | | | |_| | \ V V / | | \ \ | (_> < / / | | | | |______|
|_| \__,_| |_||_| |_| \__,_| \_/\_/ |_| |_| \__, | \_/\_/ |_| \_\ \___/\/ /_/ | | | |
__/ / \_\ /_/
_ _ _ _ ______ _ _ _ _____ __ __ __
_ ( | ) _| || |_ | ____| | | | | | | | __ \ ___ / / / / \ \ ______
/ | __ _ V V |_ __ _| | |__ __| | __ __ | |__| | _ _ __ __ | |__) | ( _ ) / / | | | | |______|
| | / _` | _| || |_ | __| / _` | \ \ /\ / / | __ | | | | | \ \ /\ / / | _ / / _ \/\ / / | | | | ______
| | | (_| | |_ __ _| | | | (_| | \ V V / | | | | | |_| | \ V V / | | \ \ | (_> < / / | | | | |______|
|_| \__,_| |_||_| |_| \__,_| \_/\_/ |_| |_| \__, | \_/\_/ |_| \_\ \___/\/ /_/ | | | |
__/ / \_\ /_/
###### Does it display the right graphical representation in ASCII as above?
@ -166,13 +166,13 @@
###### Does it display the right graphical representation in ASCII as above?
##### Try passing `"\!\" #$%&'()*+,-./"` as argument.
__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ __ _ __
\ \ | | ( | ) _| || |_ | | (_) / / ___ ( ) / / \ \ /\| |/\ _ / /
\ \ | | V V |_ __ _| / __) / / ( _ ) |/ | | | | \ ` ' / _| |_ ______ / /
\ \ | | _| || |_ \__ \ / / / _ \/\ | | | | |_ _| |_ _| |______| / /
\ \ |_| |_ __ _| ( / / / _ | (_> < | | | | / , . \ |_| _ _ / /
\_\ (_) |_||_| |_| /_/ (_) \___/\/ | | | | \/|_|\/ ( ) (_) /_/
\_\ /_/ |/
__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ __ _ __
\ \ | | ( | ) _| || |_ | | (_) / / ___ ( ) / / \ \ /\| |/\ _ / /
\ \ | | V V |_ __ _| / __) / / ( _ ) |/ | | | | \ ` ' / _| |_ ______ / /
\ \ | | _| || |_ \__ \ / / / _ \/\ | | | | |_ _| |_ _| |______| / /
\ \ |_| |_ __ _| ( / / / _ | (_> < | | | | / , . \ |_| _ _ / /
\_\ (_) |_||_| |_| /_/ (_) \___/\/ | | | | \/|_|\/ ( ) (_) /_/
\_\ /_/ |/
###### Does it display the right graphical representation in ASCII as above?
@ -186,7 +186,6 @@ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ __ _
/_/ \_\ |____/ \_____| |_____/ |______| |_| \_____| |_| |_| |_____| \____/ |_|\_\ |______| |_| |_| |_| \_| \____/ |_| \___\_\ |_| \_\ |_____/ |_| \____/ \/ \/ \/ /_/ \_\ |_| /_____|
###### Does it display the right graphical representation in ASCII as above?
##### Try passing `"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"` as argument.
@ -202,6 +201,18 @@ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ __ _
###### Does it display the right graphical representation in ASCII as above?
##### Try passing `<a random string>` with at least four lower case letters and three upper case letters.
###### Does it display the right graphical representation in ASCII as expected?
##### Try passing `<a random string>` with at least five lower case letters, a space and two numbers.
###### Does it display the right graphical representation in ASCII as expected?
##### Try passing `<a random string>` with at least one upper case letters and 3 special characters.
###### Does it display the right graphical representation in ASCII as expected?
##### Try passing `<a random string>` with at least two lower case letters, two spaces, one number, two special characters and three upper case letters.
###### Does it display the right graphical representation in ASCII as expected?
#### Basic
###### +Does the project runs quickly and effectively? (Favoring recursive, no unnecessary data requests, etc)


@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
### Objectives
Ascii-art consists on receiving a `string` has an argument and outputting the `string` in a graphic representation of ASCII.
Ascii-art consists on receiving a `string` as an argument and outputting the `string` in a graphic representation of ASCII.
- This project should handle numbers, letters, spaces, special characters and `\n`.
- Take a look on the ASCII manual.
- Take a look at the ASCII manual.
This project will help you learn about :
@ -20,14 +20,14 @@ This project will help you learn about :
- Your project must be written in **Go**.
- The code must respect the [**good practices**](
- It is recommended that the code should present a **test file**.
- It is recommended that the code present a **test file**.
- It will be given some [**banner**]( files with a specific graphical template representation of ASCII. The files are formatted in a way that it is not necessary to change them.
### Banner Format
- Each character has an height of 8 lines.
- Characters are separate by a new line `\n`.
- Characters are separated by a new line `\n`.
- Here is an example of ' ', '!' and '"'(one dot represents one space) :


@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ str = <<==123==>>In<<==123==>>1820,<<==123==>>Thomas<<==123==>>de<<==123==>>Colm
##### Try executing the program passing as argument: `"happy thoughts" "good luck"`
`huppy thooghts guod lack`
###### Does the program returns the value above?
##### Try executing the program passing as argument: `"al's elEphAnt is overly underweight!"
##### Try executing the program passing as argument: `"al's elEphAnt is overly underweight!"`
`il's elephunt es ovirly AndErweaght!`
###### Does the program returns the value above?


@ -30,6 +30,18 @@
##### Try to search for the creation date `"1965"`.
###### Does it present as result "Scorpions" and "Pink Floyd"?
##### Start typing an artist/band beginning with `"G"`.
###### Does it present as suggestion the band you were looking for?
##### Start typing a location of one of the concerts.
###### Does it present as suggestion the location you were looking for?
##### Try to search for an artist/band member beginning with `"R"`.
###### Does it present the artist/band you were looking for?
##### Try to search for a creation date of an artist/band.
###### Does it present the artist/band you were looking for?
#### Basic
###### +Does the code obey the [good practices](


@ -15,14 +15,14 @@ Groupie-trackers-search-bar consists of creating a functional program that searc
- The program must handle case sensitive.
- The search bar must have typing suggestions as you write.
- The search bar must identify and display in each suggestion the individual type of the search cases. (ex: Freddie Mercury -> member)
- Example if you start writing `"phil"` it should appear as suggestions `Phil Collins - member` and `Phil Collins - artist/band`. This is just an example of a display.
- For example if you start writing `"phil"` it should appear as suggestions `Phil Collins - member` and `Phil Collins - artist/band`. This is just an example of a display.
This project will help you learn about :
- Manipulation, display and storage of data.
- [Events]( creation and display.
- JSON files and format.
- Manipulation, display and storage of data.
- [Events]( creation and display.
- JSON files and format.
### Instructions


@ -1,62 +1,81 @@
#### Functional
##### Run both my-ls-1 and the system command `ls` with no arguments.
###### Does it displays the same files and/or folders in the same order?
###### Does it display the same files and/or folders in the same order?
##### Run both my-ls-1 and the system command `ls` with the arguments: `<file name>`.
###### Does it displays the same file?
###### Does it display the same file?
##### Run both my-ls-1 and the system command `ls` with the arguments: `<directory name>`.
###### Does it displays the same files and/or folders in the same order?
###### Does it display the same files and/or folders in the same order?
##### Run both my-ls-1 and the system command `ls` with the flag: `-l`.
###### Does it displays the same files and/or folders with the same display?
###### Does it display the same files and/or folders with the same display?
##### Run both my-ls-1 and the system command `ls` with the arguments: `-l <file name>`.
###### Does it displays the same file with the same display?
###### Does it display the same file with the same display?
##### Run both my-ls-1 and the system command `ls` with the arguments: `-l <directory name>`.
###### Does it displays the same files and/or folders with the same display?
###### Does it display the same files and/or folders with the same display?
##### Run both my-ls-1 and the system command `ls` with the flag: `-l /usr/bin`.
###### Does it displays the same files and/or folders with the same display? Be aware of symbolic links.
###### Does it display the same files and/or folders with the same display? Be aware of symbolic links.
##### Run both my-ls-1 and the system command `ls` with the flag: `-R`, in a directory with folders in it.
###### Does it displays the same files and/or folders?
###### Does it display the same files and/or folders?
##### Run both my-ls-1 and the system command `ls` with the flag: `-a`.
###### Does it displays the same files and/or folders in the same order?
###### Does it display the same files and/or folders in the same order?
##### Run both my-ls-1 and the system command `ls` with the flag: `-r`.
###### Does it displays the same files and/or folders in the same order?
###### Does it display the same files and/or folders in the same order?
##### Run both my-ls-1 and the system command `ls` with the flag: `-t`.
###### Does it displays the same files and/or folders in the same order?
###### Does it display the same files and/or folders in the same order?
##### Run both my-ls-1 and the system command `ls` with the flag: `-la`.
###### Does it displays the same files and/or folders in the same order?
###### Does it display the same files and/or folders in the same order?
##### Run both my-ls-1 and the system command `ls` with the arguments: `-l -t <directory name>`.
###### Does it displays the same files and/or folders in the same order?
###### Does it display the same files and/or folders in the same order?
##### Run both my-ls-1 and the system command `ls` with the arguments: `-lRr <directory name>`, in which the directory chosen contains folders.
###### Does it displays the same files and/or folders in the same order?
###### Does it display the same files and/or folders in the same order?
#### General
###### +Does the program runs with colors as in the ls command?
###### +Does the program has other flags except for the mandatory ones?
##### Try running the program with `-R ~` and with the command time before the program name (ex: "time ./my-ls-1 -R ~").
###### +Is the real time less than 1,5 seconds?
#### Basic
###### +Does the code obey the [good practices](
###### +Is there a test file for this code?
###### +Are the tests checking each possible case?
#### Social
###### +Did you learn anything from this project?
###### +Would you recommend/nominate this program as an example for the rest of the school?


@ -31,6 +31,18 @@ This project will help you learn about :
- The code must respect the [**good practices**](
- It is recommended that the code should present a **test file**.
### Allowed packages
- fmt
- os
- os/user
- strconv
- strings
- syscall
- time
- math/rand
- errors
### Hint
- We strongly recommend that you account for the implications of the option `-R` from the very beginning of your code.


@ -1,13 +1,22 @@
#### Functional
##### Try running `"./net-cat -p 8080"`.
###### Is the server listening for connections?
##### Try running `"./TCPChat"`.
###### Is the server listening for connections on the default port?
##### Try opening 3 terminals, run on the first terminal the command `"./net-cat -p <port>"` and on the second and third terminal run the command `"./net-cat <host ip> <port>"`.
##### Try running `"./TCPChat" 2525 localhost`.
[USAGE]: ./TCPChat $port
###### Did server respond with usage, as above?
##### Try running `"./TCPChat 2525"`.
###### Is the server listening for connections on the port 2525?
##### Try opening 3 terminals, run on the first terminal the command `"./TCPChat <port>"` and on the second and third terminal run the command `"nc <host ip> <port>"`.
###### Does both clients connect to the server with success?
##### Try opening 4 terminals, run on the first terminal the command `"./net-cat -u -p <port>"` and on the second, third and fourth terminal run the command `"./net-cat -u <host ip> <port>"`.
###### Does all clients connect to the server with [UDP]( connection?
##### Try creating a server and 2 Clients.
###### Did the server responded with a linux logo and asked for the name?
##### Try creating a server and 2 Clients.
###### Do all Clients receive a message informing that the Client joined the chat?
@ -16,10 +25,10 @@
###### Does the second Client receive the message?
##### Try creating a server and 1 Client and send some messages using this Client. Then create a new Client.
###### Can the new Client see all the messages?
###### Can the new Client see all the previous messages?
##### Try creating a server and 3 Clients and send a message using the second Client.
###### Does all the Clients(first, second and third) received the same message?
###### Does all the Clients (first, second and third) received the same message?
##### Try creating a server and use 2 or 3 different computers and create for each computer one Client.
###### Did the server/Clients connected with success?
@ -31,16 +40,27 @@
###### Does the rest of the Clients receive a message notifying that the Client left?
##### Try creating a server and 3 Clients. Then send messages between the Clients.
###### Are the messages identified by the name of each Client and the time that the messages was sent?
[2020-01-20 15:48:41][]:[client.message]
###### Are the messages identified by the name of each Client and the time that the messages was sent, as above?
###### Is the connections between server and Clients well established?
###### Does the project present go routines?
###### Does the project use channels or mutexe?
##### Are the students using just the allowed functions?
#### General
###### +Can the Clients change their names?
###### +Is the chat group informed if a Client changes his name?
###### +Does the server produce logs about Clients activities?
###### +Does the server logs saved into a file?
###### +Is there more NetCat flags implemented?
###### +Does the project present a Terminal UI using JUST this package :
#### Basic


@ -2,46 +2,26 @@
### Objectives
This project consists on recreating the **NetCat in a Server-Client Architecture** that can run in a server mode on a specified port listening for incoming connections, and it can be used in client mode, trying to connect on a specified port and transmitting information to the server.
This project consists on recreating the **NetCat in a Server-Client Architecture** that can run in a server mode on a specified port listening for incoming connections, and it can be used in client mode, trying to connect to a specified port and transmitting information to the server.
- NetCat, `nc` the system command, is a computer network utility for reading from and writing to network connections using TCP or UDP. It is used for anything involving TCP, UDP, or UNIX-domain sockets, it is able to open TCP connections, send UDP packages, listen on arbitrary TCP and UDP ports...
- NetCat, `nc` system command, is a computer network utility for reading from and writing to network connections using TCP or UDP. It is used for anything involving TCP, UDP, or UNIX-domain sockets, it is able to open TCP connections, send UDP packages, listen on arbitrary TCP and UDP ports...
- To see more information about NetCat inspect the manual `man nc`.
Here is a simple example of connection and transmission between Server-Client by creating a TCP socket between server and client.
Your project must work in a similar way that NetCat works, in other words, you must create a group chat. The project must have the following features :
- Open two terminals, one for the server and the other for Client.
- Use the following commands for the server side :
stuednt$ mawk -W interactive '$0="\033[1;32mServer: \033[0m"$0' | nc -l -p <port>
Client: Hello it's the CLIENT talking
hello there
- Use the following commands for the client side :
stuednt$ mawk -W interactive '$0="\033[1;32mClient: \033[0m"$0' | nc <host ip> <port>
Hello it's the CLIENT talking
Server: Hello there
- To see the host IP use the command `ifconfig` on the host machine.
Your project must work in a similar way that NetCat works, in other words you must create a group chat. The project must present :
- TCP or UDP connection between server and multiple clients (relation of 1 to many), the type of connection must be established by using a flag, just like `nc`, by default it uses TCP connection, if you want to use UDP connection present the flag `-u`.
- Each Client must have an user name.
- TCP connection between server and multiple clients (relation of 1 to many).
- A name requirement to the client.
- Control connections quantity.
- Clients must be able to send messages to the chat.
- Messages sent, must be identified by the time that was sent and the user name of who sent the message.
- If a Client joins the chat, all the messages sent to the chat must be uploaded to the new Client.
- Do not broadcast EMPTY messages from a client.
- Messages sent, must be identified by the time that was sent and the user name of who sent the message, example : `[2020-01-20 15:48:41][]:[client.message]`
- If a Client joins the chat, all the previous messages sent to the chat must be uploaded to the new Client.
- If a Client connects to the server, the rest of the Clients must be informed by the server that the Client joined the group.
- If a Client exits the chat, the rest of the Clients must be informed by the server that the Client left.
- All Clients must receive the messages sent by other Clients.
- If a Client leaves the chat, the rest of the Clients must not disconnect.
- If there is no port specified, then set as default the port 8989. Otherwise, program must respond with usage message: `[USAGE]: ./TCPChat $port`
This project will help you learn about :
@ -52,70 +32,163 @@ This project will help you learn about :
- TCP/UDP socket
- [Channels](
- [Goroutines](
- Mutexes
- IP and [ports](
### Hints
- Try to find out more about the flags `-u`, `-p` and `-l`.
### Instructions
- Your project must be written in **Go**.
- Your project must use TCP or UDP.
- The code must respect the [**good practices**](
- It is recommended that the code should present a **test file** for the server connection and the client connection.
- You have to be able to handle the errors from server side and client side.
- Your project must be written in **Go**
- Start TCP server, listen and accept connections
- Your project must have Go-routines
- Your project must have channels or Mutexes
- Maximum 10 connections
- The code must respect the [**good practices**](
- It is recommended that the code should present a **test file** for the server connection and the client connection
- You have to be able to handle the errors from server side and client side
### Allowed Packages
- io
- log
- os
- fmt
- net
- sync
- time
- bufio
- errors
- strings
- reflect
### Usage
Here is a simple example of a group chat :
student$ go build
student$ ./TCPChat
Listening on the port :8989
student$ ./TCPChat 2525
Listening on the port :2525
student$ ./TCPChat 2525 localhost
[USAGE]: ./TCPChat $port
- Server side :
- You should answer the client with a linux logo and ask for their name, when connection is received
student$ ./net-cat -p 8080
listening on port 8080....
student$ nc $IP $port
Welcome to TCP-Chat!
M|@||@) M|
JS^\__/ qKL
dZP qKRb
dZP qKKb
__| ". |\dS"qML
| `. | `' \Zq
_) \.___.,| .'
\____ )MMMMMP| .'
`-' `--'
- Two Clients running at the same time
- Accept connection with non-empty name
- Client 2 :
The client :
stuednt$ ./net-cat 8080
wellcome, you are connected
student$ nc $IP $port
enter user name : client2
your name is client2
client2 joined the chat...
client1 joined the chat...
student$ ./TCPChat 2525
Listening on the port :2525
client2 at 18:12- hello
client1 at 18:13- hello man
how are you?
client2 at 18:15- how are you?
client1 left the chat...
Client1 (Yenlik):
student$ nc localhost 2525
Welcome to TCP-Chat!
M|@||@) M|
JS^\__/ qKL
dZP qKRb
dZP qKKb
__| ". |\dS"qML
| `. | `' \Zq
_) \.___.,| .'
\____ )MMMMMP| .'
`-' `--'
[2020-01-20 16:03:43][Yenlik]:hello
[2020-01-20 16:03:46][Yenlik]:How are you?
[2020-01-20 16:04:10][Yenlik]:
Lee has joined our chat...
[2020-01-20 16:04:15][Yenlik]:
[2020-01-20 16:04:32][Lee]:Hi everyone!
[2020-01-20 16:04:32][Yenlik]:
[2020-01-20 16:04:35][Lee]:How are you?
[2020-01-20 16:04:35][Yenlik]:great, and you?
[2020-01-20 16:04:41][Yenlik]:
[2020-01-20 16:04:44][Lee]:good!
[2020-01-20 16:04:44][Yenlik]:
[2020-01-20 16:04:50][Lee]:alright, see ya!
[2020-01-20 16:04:50][Yenlik]:bye-bye!
[2020-01-20 16:04:57][Yenlik]:
Lee has left our chat...
[2020-01-20 16:04:59][Yenlik]:
- Client 1 :
Client2 (Lee):
stuednt$ ./net-cat 8080
wellcome, you are connected
enter user name : client1
your name is client1
student$ nc localhost 2525
Yenliks-MacBook-Air:simpleTCPChat ybokina$ nc localhost 2525
Yenliks-MacBook-Air:simpleTCPChat ybokina$ nc localhost 2525
Welcome to TCP-Chat!
M|@||@) M|
JS^\__/ qKL
dZP qKRb
dZP qKKb
__| ". |\dS"qML
| `. | `' \Zq
_) \.___.,| .'
\____ )MMMMMP| .'
`-' `--'
[2020-01-20 16:04:15][Lee]:Hi everyone!
[2020-01-20 16:04:32][Lee]:How are you?
[2020-01-20 16:04:35][Lee]:
[2020-01-20 16:04:41][Yenlik]:great, and you?
[2020-01-20 16:04:41][Lee]:good!
[2020-01-20 16:04:44][Lee]:alright, see ya!
[2020-01-20 16:04:50][Lee]:
[2020-01-20 16:04:57][Yenlik]:bye-bye!
[2020-01-20 16:04:57][Lee]:^C
client2 joined the chat...
client1 joined the chat...
## Bonus
client2 at 18:12- hello
hello man
client1 at 18:13- hello man
client2 at 18:15- how are you?
- Terminal UI (you are allowed to use only this package :
- Logging into the file
- Creating more than 1 group chat


@ -1,69 +1,100 @@
#### Functional
##### Try to run `"./push_swap"`.
###### Does it display nothing?
##### Try to run `"./push_swap 2 1 3 6 5 8"`.
###### Does it display a valid solution and less than 9 instructions?
##### Try to run `"./push_swap 0 1 2 3 4 5"`.
###### Does it display nothing?
##### Try to run `"./push_swap 0 one 2 3"`.
###### Does it display the right result as above?
##### Try to run `"./push_swap 1 2 2 3"`.
###### Does it display the right result as above?
##### Try to run `"./push_swap <5 random numbers>"` with 5 random numbers instead of the tag.
###### Does it displays a valid solution and less than 12 instructions?
###### Does it display a valid solution and less than 12 instructions?
##### Try to run `"./push_swap <5 random numbers>"` with 5 different random numbers instead of the tag.
###### Does it still displays a valid solution and less than 12 instructions?
##### Try to run `"./checker "` and input nothing.
###### Does it display nothing?
##### Try to run `"./checker 0 one 2 3"`.
###### Does it display the right result as above?
##### Try to run `"echo -e "sa\npb\nrrr\n" | ./checker 0 9 1 8 2 7 3 6 4 5"`.
###### Does it display the right result as above?
##### Try to run `"echo -e "pb\nra\npb\nra\nsa\nra\npa\npa\n" | ./checker 0 9 1 8 2"`.
###### Does it display the right result as above?
##### Try to run `"ARG = "4 67 3 87 23"; ./push_swap $ARG | ./checker $ARG"`.
###### Does it display the right result as above?
#### General
##### Try to run `"$ARG= "<100 random numbers>"; ./push_swap $ARG"` with 100 random different numbers instead of the tag.
###### +Does it displays less than 700 commands?
###### +Does it display less than 700 commands?
##### Try to run `"$ARG= "<100 random numbers>; ./push_swap $ARG | ./checker $ARG"` with the same 100 random different numbers as before instead of the tag.
###### +Does it displays the right result as above?
###### +Does it display the right result as above?
#### Basic
###### +Does the code obey the [good practices](
###### +Is there a test file for this code?
###### +Are the tests checking each possible case?
#### Social
###### +Did you learn anything from this project?
###### +Would you recommend/nominate this program as an example for the rest of the school?
