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Add AI, index and review subject for Tron

Clement Denis 4 years ago committed by Clément
  1. 27
  2. 171
  3. 97
  4. 57
  5. 48
  6. 40
  7. 384
  8. 132
  9. 96
  10. 32
  11. 61


@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
## Abs
### Instructions
Create a `isPositive` function that takes a number as
parameter and return true if the given number is
stricly positive, or false otherwise
Create the `abs` function that takes one number argument
and returns its absolute value.
You are not allowed to use `Math.abs`, make your own.
### Notions
- [](
- [](
- [](
### Code provided
> all code provided will be added to your solution and doesn't need to be submited.
Math.abs = undefined


@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
* functions given to the students
const SIZE = 100
const MAP = new Int8Array(SIZE * SIZE)
const isFree = ({ x, y }) => MAP[y * SIZE + x] === 0
const isOccupied = ({ x, y }) => MAP[y * SIZE + x] === 1
const inBounds = (n) => n < SIZE && n >= 0
const isInBounds = ({ x, y }) => inBounds(x) && inBounds(y)
const pickRandom = (arr) => arr[Math.floor(Math.random() * arr.length)]
* My functions
const isAlley = ({ x, y }) => !isFree({ x, y }) || !isInBounds({ x, y })
// this functions will find the best path, so the path that has more empty spaces
// so use `isFree`,
const findBestPath = (state) => {
let arr = []
let car = state.player.cardinal
// if it as a block on the symmetric position it must
// simulate the symmetric position and see witch path is the best
if (
(car === 3 || car === 0) &&
!isFree({ x: state.player.x - 1, y: state.player.y - 1 }) &&
isFree({ x: state.player.x, y: state.player.y - 1 }) &&
isFree({ x: state.player.x - 1, y: state.player.y })
) {
let xad = state.player.x - 1
let yad = state.player.y - 1
let choose = [
calDistance(xad + 1, yad, 1, 0),
calDistance(state.player.x, state.player.y - 1, car, 0),
calDistance(state.player.x - 1, state.player.y, car, 0),
calDistance(xad, yad + 1, 2, 0),
let index = choose.indexOf(Math.max(...choose))
return index === 0 || index === 1
? state.player.coords[0]
: state.player.coords[3]
if (
(car === 1 || car === 0) &&
!isFree({ x: state.player.x + 1, y: state.player.y - 1 }) &&
isFree({ x: state.player.x, y: state.player.y - 1 }) &&
isFree({ x: state.player.x + 1, y: state.player.y })
) {
let xad = state.player.x + 1
let yad = state.player.y - 1
// choose will save the biggest path to be chosen
// [ down, line1, line0, left ]
let choose = [
calDistance(xad, yad + 1, 2, 0),
calDistance(state.player.x + 1, state.player.y, car, 0),
calDistance(state.player.x, state.player.y - 1, car, 0),
calDistance(xad - 1, yad, 3, 0),
let index = choose.indexOf(Math.max(...choose))
return index === 0 || index === 1
? state.player.coords[1]
: state.player.coords[0]
if (
(car === 2 || car === 1) &&
!isFree({ x: state.player.x + 1, y: state.player.y + 1 }) &&
isFree({ x: state.player.x, y: state.player.y + 1 }) &&
isFree({ x: state.player.x + 1, y: state.player.y })
) {
let xad = state.player.x + 1
let yad = state.player.y + 1
// choose will save the biggest path to be chosen
// [ left, line2, line1, up ]
let choose = [
calDistance(xad - 1, yad, 3, 0),
calDistance(state.player.x, state.player.y + 1, car, 0),
calDistance(state.player.x + 1, state.player.y, car, 0),
calDistance(xad, yad - 1, 0, 0),
let index = choose.indexOf(Math.max(...choose))
return index === 0 || index === 1
? state.player.coords[2]
: state.player.coords[1]
if (
(car === 2 || car === 3) &&
!isFree({ x: state.player.x - 1, y: state.player.y + 1 }) &&
isFree({ x: state.player.x, y: state.player.y + 1 }) &&
isFree({ x: state.player.x - 1, y: state.player.y })
) {
let xad = state.player.x - 1
let yad = state.player.y + 1
// choose will save the biggest path to be chosen
// [ right, line2, line3, up ]
let choose = [
calDistance(xad + 1, yad, 1, 0),
calDistance(state.player.x - 1, state.player.y, car, 0),
calDistance(state.player.x, state.player.y + 1, car, 0),
calDistance(xad, yad - 1, 0, 0),
let index = choose.indexOf(Math.max(...choose))
return index === 0 || index === 1
? state.player.coords[3]
: state.player.coords[2]
for ({ x, y, cardinal } of state.player.coords) {
// if everything is ok it must continue with the best path
arr.push(calDistance(x, y, cardinal, 0))
return state.player.coords[arr.indexOf(Math.max(...arr))]
// recursion
const calDistance = (x, y, car, count) => {
if (car <= 0) {
if (
isFree({ x, y }) &&
isAlley({ x: x + 1, y }) &&
isAlley({ x, y: y - 1 }) &&
isAlley({ x: x - 1, y })
return -1
return !isFree({ x, y }) || !inBounds(y - 1)
? count
: calDistance(x, y - 1, car, count + 1)
if (car === 1) {
if (
isFree({ x, y }) &&
isAlley({ x, y: y + 1 }) &&
isAlley({ x, y: y - 1 }) &&
isAlley({ x: x + 1, y })
return -1
return !isFree({ x, y }) || !inBounds(x + 1)
? count
: calDistance(x + 1, y, car, count + 1)
if (car === 2) {
if (
isFree({ x, y }) &&
isAlley({ x: x - 1, y }) &&
isAlley({ x, y: y + 1 }) &&
isAlley({ x: x + 1, y })
return -1
return !isFree({ x, y }) || !inBounds(y + 1)
? count
: calDistance(x, y + 1, car, count + 1)
if (car === 3) {
if (
isFree({ x, y }) &&
isAlley({ x, y: y - 1 }) &&
isAlley({ x: x - 1, y }) &&
isAlley({ x, y: y + 1 })
return -1
return !isFree({ x, y }) || !inBounds(x - 1)
? count
: calDistance(x - 1, y, car, count + 1)
const addToMap = ({ x, y }) => MAP[y * SIZE + x] = 1
const update = (state) => {


@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
const SIZE = 100
const MAP = new Int8Array(SIZE * SIZE) // State of the Map
const isFree = ({ x, y }) => MAP[y * SIZE + x] === 0 // 0 = block free
const isOccupied = ({ x, y }) => MAP[y * SIZE + x] === 1 // 1 = block occupied
const inBounds = n => n < SIZE && n >= 0
const isInBounds = ({ x, y }) => inBounds(x) && inBounds(y)
const pickRandom = arr => arr[Math.floor(Math.random() * arr.length)]
// ok check if we can move on this block
const ok = (x = -1, y = -1) => {
const coords = typeof x !== 'number' ? x : { x, y }
return isFree(coords) && isInBounds(coords)
const isAlley = (card, x, y) => {
switch (card) {
case 0:
if (ok(x, y - 1) && !ok(x + 1, y - 1) && !ok(x - 1, y - 1)) {
while (ok(x, y - 1) && !hasLateralWalls(0, x, y)) {
if (hasLateralWalls(0, x, y)) return true
return false
case 1:
if (ok(x + 1, y) && !ok(x + 1, y + 1) && !ok(x + 1, y - 1)) {
while (ok(x + 1, y) && !hasLateralWalls(1, x, y)) {
if (hasLateralWalls(1, x, y)) return true
return false
case 2:
if (ok(x, y + 1) && !ok(x + 1, y + 1) && !ok(x - 1, y + 1)) {
while (ok(x, y + 1) && !hasLateralWalls(2, x, y)) {
if (hasLateralWalls(2, x, y)) return true
return false
case 3:
if (ok(x - 1, y) && !ok(x - 1, y + 1) && !ok(x - 1, y - 1)) {
while (ok(x - 1, y) && !hasLateralWalls(3, x, y)) {
if (hasLateralWalls(3, x, y)) return true
return false
const hasLateralWalls = (card, x, y) => {
switch (card) {
case 0: return !(ok(x + 1, y) || ok(x - 1, y) || ok(x, y - 1))
case 1: return !(ok(x, y - 1) || ok(x, y + 1) || ok(x + 1, y))
case 2: return !(ok(x + 1, y) || ok(x - 1, y) || ok(x, y + 1))
case 3: return !(ok(x, y - 1) || ok(x, y + 1) || ok(x - 1, y))
const goDirection = (state, card) =>
ok(state.coords[card]) &&
!isAlley(card, state.x, state.y) &&
const findEnemy = state =>
state.players.filter(p => !==[0]
const seekEnemy = state => {
if (state.players.length === 1) return
const enemy = findEnemy(state)
const xPla = state.player.x
const yPla = state.player.y
const xOpo = enemy.x
const yOpo = enemy.y
const xDif = xPla - xOpo
const yDif = yPla - yOpo
return (
(Math.abs(xDif) > Math.abs(yDif) &&
goDirection(state.player, xPla < xOpo ? 1 : 3)) ||
goDirection(yPla < yOpo ? 2 : 0)
const walk = state =>
seekEnemy(state) ||
goDirection(state.player, 0) ||
goDirection(state.player, 1) ||
goDirection(state.player, 2) ||
goDirection(state.player, 3)
const addToMap = ({ x, y }) => (MAP[y * SIZE + x] = 1)
const update = state => {
return walk(state)


@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
const SIZE = 100
const MAP = new Int8Array(SIZE * SIZE) // State of the Map
const isFree = ({ x, y }) => MAP[y * SIZE + x] === 0 // 0 = block free
const isOccupied = ({ x, y }) => MAP[y * SIZE + x] === 1 // 1 = block occupied
// `inBounds` check if our coord (n) is an existing index in our MAP
const inBounds = n => n < SIZE && n >= 0
// `isInBounds` check that properties x and y of our argument are both in bounds
const isInBounds = ({ x, y }) => inBounds(x) && inBounds(y)
// `pickRandom` get a random element from an array
const pickRandom = arr => arr[Math.floor(Math.random() * arr.length)]
// `addToMap` save the new positions into the map
const addToMap = ({ x, y }) => MAP[y * SIZE + x] = 1
// `update` this function is called at each turn
const update = state => {
// update is called with a state argument that has 2 properties:
// players: an array of all the players
// player: the player for this AI
// Each players contains:
// color: A number that represent the color of a player
// name: A string of the player name
// score: A number of the total block collected by this player
// x: The horizontal position of the player
// y: The vertical position of the player
// coords: An array of 4 coordinates of the nearest blocks
// N
// W + E
// S
// Each coordinate contains:
// x: The horizontal position
// y: The vertical position
// cardinal: A number between 0 and 3 that represent the cardinal
// [ 0: NORTH, 1: EAST, 2: SOUTH, 3: WEST ]
// direction: A number between 0 and 3 that represent the direction
// [ 0: FORWARD, 1: RIGHT, 2: BACKWARD, 3: LEFT ]
// Saving state between each updates:
// I update the MAP with the new position of each players
// Actual AI logic:
// I filter my array of coords to keep only those that are in bounds
const coordsInBound = state.player.coords.filter(isInBounds)
// I filter again to keep coords that are free
const available = coordsInBound.filter(isFree)
// And I return a random available coord
return pickRandom(available)


@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
const SIZE = 100
const [FREE, UNSAFE, FILLED] = Array(3).keys()
const MAP = new Int8Array(SIZE * SIZE)
const isFree = ({ x, y }) => MAP[y * SIZE + x] < FILLED
const isUnsafe = ({ x, y }) => MAP[y * SIZE + x] === UNSAFE
const setUnsafe = ({ x, y }) => MAP[y * SIZE + x] = UNSAFE
const setFilled = ({ x, y }) => MAP[y * SIZE + x] = FILLED
const inBounds = n => n < SIZE && n >= 0
const isInBounds = ({ x, y }) => inBounds(x) && inBounds(y)
const isForward = el => el.direction === 0
const isRight = el => el.direction === 1
const isLeft = el => el.direction === 3
const goForward = arr => arr.find(isForward)
const goRight = arr => arr.find(isRight)
const goLeft = arr => arr.find(isLeft)
const isOtherPlayer = player => !player.isOwnPlayer
let wallReached = false
const pickForwardOrRightOrLeft = arr => {
if (arr.length === 3 && !wallReached) {
return goForward(arr) || goRight(arr) || goLeft(arr)
if (arr.length <= 2 && !wallReached) {
wallReached = true
return goRight(arr) || goLeft(arr) || goForward(arr)
return goLeft(arr) || goForward(arr) || goRight(arr)
const update = ({ player, players }) => {
.flatMap(({ coords }) => coords)
const coordsInBound = player.coords
const available = pickForwardOrRightOrLeft(coordsInBound.filter(isFree))
const lastResort = pickForwardOrRightOrLeft(coordsInBound.filter(isUnsafe))
return available || lastResort


@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
const SIZE = 100
const FREE = 0
const UNSAFE = -1
const FILLED = 1
const MAP = new Int8Array(SIZE * SIZE)
const isFree = ({ x, y }) => MAP[y * SIZE + x] < FILLED
const isUnsafe = ({ x, y }) => MAP[y * SIZE + x] === UNSAFE
const setUnsafe = ({ x, y }) => MAP[y * SIZE + x] = UNSAFE
const setFilled = ({ x, y }) => MAP[y * SIZE + x] = FILLED
const inBounds = n => n < SIZE && n >= 0
const isInBounds = ({ x, y }) => inBounds(x) && inBounds(y)
const isNotBackward = el => el.direction !== 2
const isForward = el => el.direction === 0
const isRight = el => el.direction === 1
const isLeft = el => el.direction === 3
const goForward = arr => arr.find(isForward)
const goRight = arr => arr.find(isRight)
const goLeft = arr => arr.find(isLeft)
const isOtherPlayer = player => !player.isOwnPlayer
// `snailIt` goes with the form of a snail
const snailIt = arr => goRight(arr) || goForward(arr) || goLeft(arr)
const update = ({ player, players }) => {
.flatMap(({ coords }) => coords)
const coordsInBound = player.coords
const available = snailIt(coordsInBound.filter(isFree))
const lastResort = snailIt(coordsInBound.filter(isUnsafe))
return available || lastResort


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<div id="player-0">
<canvas width="1200" height="1200"></canvas>
<div id="player-1">
<div id="controls">
<div id="bar">
<div id="loading"></div>
<div id="position"></div>
<div id="notice" class="hide">
> scroll or keys to move step by step, click to jump. (shift = fast)
<script type="module">
import { move, update, colorize } from './lib/display.js'
import { init, injectedCode } from './lib/state.js'
const [canvas] = document.getElementsByTagName('canvas')
const [hide] = document.getElementsByTagName('button')
const bar = document.getElementById('bar')
const loading = document.getElementById('loading')
const position = document.getElementById('position')
hide.onclick = () => {
localStorage.hide = 1
localStorage.hide || hide.parentElement.classList.remove('hide')
const buildInfo = (player, i) => {
const elem = document.getElementById(`player-${i}`)
if (!elem) return { score: () => {}, status: () => {} }
const [name, status, score] = [...elem.children].map(e => e.firstChild).filter(Boolean) = = `hsl(${player.hue*360}, 100%, 70%)` = `0 0 6px hsla(${player.hue*360}, 100%, 70%, 0.4)` = 'calc(100% - 36px)' // force width force redraw
// this fix a bug on chrome, not re-applying `currentColor` to gradients
return {
score: text => player.dead || ( = text),
status: text => = text,
const notInBounds = n => n >= 100 || n < 0
const getShaUrl = login =>
const getAIUrl = (login, sha, ai) =>
`${login}/tron/${sha}/ai/${ai || login}.js`
const getSha = async login => (await (await fetch(getShaUrl(login))).json()).sha
const toBlob = async r =>
new Blob([`${await r.text()}${injectedCode}`], { type : 'text/javascript' })
const toUrlObject = b => URL.createObjectURL(b, { type: 'text/javascript' })
const memo = {}
const fetchBlob = url => memo[url]
|| (memo[url] = fetch(url).then(toBlob).then(toUrlObject))
const getGithackUrl = async (login, sha) => {
if (!sha || sha === 'master') {
sha = localStorage[login] || (localStorage[login] = await getSha(login))
return getAIUrl(login, sha)
const remoteURL = (login, sha) =>'git.')
? `${location.origin}/${login}/tron/raw/branch/${sha || 'master'}/ai.js`
: getGithackUrl(login, sha)
const formatURL = url => {
if (url.startsWith('/')) return `${location.pathname}/ai/${url}`
if (url.startsWith('https://')) return url
if (url.includes(location.hostname)) return `https://${url}`
return url.includes('@')
? remoteURL(...url.split('@'))
: `${location.origin}/${url}`
const start = async ({ urls, seed }) => {
if (urls.length < 2) throw Error('2 AI urls are required to play')
const players = init({ players: urls, seed })
let turn = 1, maxTurn = 1, t = 1, cap = 10000, down
const done = new Set(players)
const setPosition = e => {
const v = typeof e === 'number'
? Math.max(e, 1)
: Math.floor(Math.max(e.pageX - bar.offsetLeft, 1) / 600 * cap)
t = Math.min(v, maxTurn)
requested || (requested = requestAnimationFrame(refresh))
window.onkeydown = e => {
const step = e.shiftKey ? 10 : 1
switch (e.key) {
case 'ArrowLeft': case 'a': case 'q': case 'l': return setPosition(t - step)
case 'ArrowRight': case 'e': case 'd': case 'k': return setPosition(t + step)
window.onmousemove = (e) => e.which ? (down && setPosition(e)) : (down = false)
bar.onmousedown = (e) => (down = true) && setPosition(e)
bar.onwheel = canvas.onwheel = (e) =>
setPosition(t + Math.sign(e.deltaY) * (e.shiftKey ? 10 : 1))
let requested, timeout
const refresh = () => {
requested = update(t)
players[1].score(turn) = `translate(${((turn / cap)*600)-600}px)` = `translate(${((t / cap)*600)-600}px)`
const next = (player) => {
requested || (requested = requestAnimationFrame(refresh))
// check if all AI are done
if (done.size >= players.length) {
const data = `[${players.join(',')}]`
let allDead = true
for (const p of players) {
if (p.dead) continue
allDead ? (allDead = false) : cap--
p.timeout = setTimeout(p.kill, 50, 'TIMEOUT')
allDead && (cap = turn)
t === maxTurn ? (t = maxTurn = turn) : (maxTurn = turn)
await Promise.all( (player, i) => {
const info = buildInfo(player, i)
player.score = info.score
const kill = (cause) => {
if (player.dead) return
console.log(`${} died because he ${cause} at ${player.x} ${player.y}`)
player.cause = cause
player.dead = true
player.worker && player.worker.terminate()
// init the worker
try {
const url = await fetchBlob(await formatURL(
player.worker = new Worker(url, { type: 'module', name: })
await new Promise((s, f) => {
player.worker.onmessage = e => === 'loaded' ? s() : f(Error(
player.worker.onerror = f
player.worker.postMessage(JSON.stringify({ id:, seed }))
// activate the AI
player.kill = cause => {
} catch (err) {
move(player.x, player.y, player.color, turn)
// handle each response from the AI
player.worker.onmessage = ({ data }) => {
if (done.has(player)) return player.kill('UNEXPECTED-MESSAGE')
if (!data) return player.kill('STUCK')
const { x, y } = JSON.parse(data)
if (typeof x !== 'number' || typeof y !== 'number') return player.kill('INVALID_INPUT')
if (notInBounds(x) || notInBounds(y)) return player.kill('OUT_OF_BOUNDS')
if (
!(x === player.x - 1 && y === player.y) &&
!(x === player.x + 1 && y === player.y) &&
!(x === player.x && player.y === y + 1) &&
!(x === player.x && player.y === y - 1)
) return player.kill('IMPOSSIBLE_MOVE')
player.x = x
player.y = y
const failure = move(x, y, player.color, turn)
if (failure === turn) {
for (const p of players) {
p.x === player.x && p.y === player.y && p.kill('MULTI-CRASH')
colorize(x, y, 0xffffff)
return player.kill('MULTI-CRASH')
} else if (failure) return player.kill('CRASH')
player.worker.onerror = () => player.kill('AI-ERROR')
const params = new URLSearchParams(
const { ai = '', seed } = Object.fromEntries(params)
const search = () => String(params).replace(/%2F/g, '/').replace(/%40/g, '@')
if (!seed) {
params.set('seed', Math.abs(~~(Math.random()*0xffffffff)))
location = `${location.origin}${location.pathname}?${search()}${location.hash}`
start({ urls: ai.split(' '), seed }).then(console.log, console.error)


@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
const vertexArray = new Float32Array(100 * 100 * 12)
const colorArray = new Float32Array(100 * 100 * 6)
const state = new Float32Array(100 * 100 * 2)
const [canvas] = document.getElementsByTagName('canvas')
const gl = canvas.getContext('webgl2', { antialias: false })
const S = 0.02
const applyState = (x, y, turn) => {
const index = x * 100 + y
const color = state[index * 2 + 0] > turn ? 0 : state[index * 2 + 1]
colorArray[index * 6 + 0] = color
colorArray[index * 6 + 1] = color
colorArray[index * 6 + 2] = color
colorArray[index * 6 + 3] = color
colorArray[index * 6 + 4] = color
colorArray[index * 6 + 5] = color
export const colorize = (x, y, color) => state[(x * 100 + y) * 2 + 1] = color
export const move = (x, y, color, turn) => {
const index = (x * 100 + y) * 2
if (state[index]) return state[index]
state[index] = turn
state[index + 1] = color
const loop = fn => {
let x = -1, y = -1
while (++x < 100) {
y = -1
while (++y < 100) fn(x, y)
const compileShader = (type, script) => {
const shader = gl.createShader(type)
gl.shaderSource(shader, script.trim())
if (!gl.getShaderParameter(shader, gl.COMPILE_STATUS)) {
throw gl.getShaderInfoLog(shader)
return shader
// program
const program = gl.createProgram()
gl.attachShader(program, compileShader(gl.VERTEX_SHADER, `
#version 300 es
in vec2 a_position;
in float a_color;
out float v_color;
void main() {
gl_Position = vec4(a_position * vec2(1, -1), 0, 1);
v_color = a_color;
gl.attachShader(program, compileShader(gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER, `
#version 300 es
precision mediump float;
in float v_color;
out vec4 outColor;
vec4 unpackColor(float f) {
vec4 color;
color.r = floor(f / 65536.0);
color.g = floor((f - color.r * 65536.0) / 256.0);
color.b = floor(f - color.r * 65536.0 - color.g * 256.0);
color.a = 256.0;
return color / 256.0;
void main() {
outColor = unpackColor(v_color);
if (!gl.getProgramParameter(program, gl.LINK_STATUS)) {
throw gl.getProgramInfoLog(program)
// initialize state
loop((x, y) => {
const x1 = ((x + 1) - 50) / 50 - S
const y1 = ((y + 1) - 50) / 50 - S
const x2 = x1 + S
const y2 = y1 + S
const index = (x * 100 + y) * 12
vertexArray[index + 0x0] = x1
vertexArray[index + 0x1] = y1
vertexArray[index + 0x2] = x2
vertexArray[index + 0x3] = y1
vertexArray[index + 0x4] = x1
vertexArray[index + 0x5] = y2
vertexArray[index + 0x6] = x1
vertexArray[index + 0x7] = y2
vertexArray[index + 0x8] = x2
vertexArray[index + 0x9] = y1
vertexArray[index + 0xa] = x2
vertexArray[index + 0xb] = y2
const vertexBuffer = gl.createBuffer()
const a_position = gl.getAttribLocation(program, 'a_position')
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, vertexBuffer)
gl.vertexAttribPointer(a_position, 2, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0)
gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, vertexArray, gl.STATIC_DRAW)
gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLES, 0, 60000)
// color buffer
const colorBuffer = gl.createBuffer()
const a_color = gl.getAttribLocation(program, 'a_color')
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, colorBuffer)
gl.vertexAttribPointer(a_color, 1, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0)
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, colorBuffer)
export const update = (turn) => {
loop((x, y) => applyState(x, y, turn))
gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, colorArray, gl.STATIC_DRAW)
gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLES, 0, 60000)
export const reset = () => {


@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
const SIZE = 100
const h = SIZE / 2
const m = h * 0.8
const max = m => n => n > m ? max1(n - m) : n
const max1 = max(1)
const max2PI = max(Math.PI * 2)
const toInt = (r, g, b) => (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b
const toRange = n => Math.round(n * 0xFF)
const hue2rgb = (p, q, t) => {
if (t < 0) t += 1
if (t > 1) t -= 1
if (t < 1/6) return p + (q - p) * 6 * t
if (t < 1/2) return q
if (t < 2/3) return p + (q - p) * (2/3 - t) * 6
return p
const hslToRgb = (h, s, l) => {
if (!s) return toInt(toRange(l), toRange(l), toRange(l))
const q = l < 0.5 ? l * (1 + s) : l + s - l * s
const p = 2 * l - q
const r = hue2rgb(p, q, h + 1/3)
const g = hue2rgb(p, q, h)
const b = hue2rgb(p, q, h - 1/3)
return toInt(toRange(r), toRange(g), toRange(b))
export const init = ({ players, seed }) => {
const rand = () => {
let t = seed += 0x6D2B79F5
t = Math.imul(t ^ t >>> 15, t | 1)
t ^= t + Math.imul(t ^ t >>> 7, t | 61)
return ((t ^ t >>> 14) >>> 0) / 4294967296
const angle = (Math.PI * 2) / players.length
const rate = (SIZE / players.length / SIZE)
const shift = angle * rand()
// shuffle using seeded random
players.sort((a, b) => -
let i = players.length, j, tmp
while (--i > 0) {
j = Math.floor(rand() * (i + 1))
tmp = players[j]
players[j] = players[i]
players[i] = tmp
return, i) => {
const jsonName = `"name":${JSON.stringify(name)}`
const hue = max1(i * rate + 0.25)
const p = {
x: Math.round(max2PI(Math.cos(angle * i + shift)) * m + h),
y: Math.round(max2PI(Math.sin(angle * i + shift)) * m + h),
cardinal: 0,
direction: 0,
color: hslToRgb(hue, 1, 0.5),
toString: () => `{${jsonName},"dead":${!!p.dead},"cardinal":${p.cardinal},"direction":${p.direction},"color":${p.color},"x":${p.x},"y":${p.y},"coords":[{"x":${p.x},"y":${p.y - 1},"cardinal":0,"direction":${(4 - p.cardinal) % 4}},{"x":${p.x + 1},"y":${p.y},"cardinal":1,"direction":${(5 - p.cardinal) % 4}},{"x":${p.x},"y":${p.y + 1},"cardinal":2,"direction":${(6 - p.cardinal) % 4}},{"x":${p.x - 1},"y":${p.y},"cardinal":3,"direction":${(7 - p.cardinal) % 4}}]}`,
return p
export const injectedCode = `
if (typeof update !== 'function') throw Error('Update function not defined')
addEventListener('message', self.init = initEvent => {
const { seed, id } = JSON.parse(
const isOwnPlayer = p => === id
Math.random = () => {
let t = seed += 0x6D2B79F5
t = Math.imul(t ^ t >>> 15, t | 1)
t ^= t + Math.imul(t ^ t >>> 7, t | 61)
return ((t ^ t >>> 14) >>> 0) / 4294967296
removeEventListener('message', self.init)
addEventListener('message', ({ data }) => {
const players = JSON.parse(data)
const player = players.find(isOwnPlayer)
player.isOwnPlayer = true
try { postMessage(JSON.stringify(update({ players, player }))) }
catch (err) {
throw err
postMessage('loaded') // Signal that the loading is over


@ -2,43 +2,43 @@
###### Does the AI crash because of too much usage of CPU?
##### Modify the link so that the users are the audited **GITHUB_LOGIN**
##### Modify the link so that the users are the audited `GITHUB_LOGIN`
##### and **random**. Try three times, changing the seed each time. The best of three, wins
##### and `/random.js`. Try three times, changing the seed each time. The best of three, wins
###### Did the audited AI won against random AI?
##### Modify the link so that the users are the audited **GITHUB_LOGIN**
##### Modify the link so that the users are the audited `GITHUB_LOGIN`
##### and **right**. Try three times, changing the seed each time. The best of three, wins
##### and `/right.js`. Try three times, changing the seed each time. The best of three, wins
###### Did the audited AI won against right AI?
###### Did the audited AI won against `right` AI?
##### Modify the link so that the users are the audited **GITHUB_LOGIN**
##### Modify the link so that the users are the audited `GITHUB_LOGIN`
##### and **snail**. Try three times, changing the seed each time. The best of three, wins
##### and `/snail.js`. Try three times, changing the seed each time. The best of three, wins
###### Did the audited AI won against snail AI?
###### Did the audited AI won against `snail` AI?
###### Does the code avoid [deep nesting](
###### Does the code avoid [deep nesting](
##### Modify the link so that the users are the audited **GITHUB_LOGIN**
##### Modify the link so that the users are the audited `GITHUB_LOGIN`
##### and **hardAI**. Try three times, changing the seed each time. The best of three, wins
##### and `/hard.js`. Try three times, changing the seed each time. The best of three, wins
###### Did the audited AI won against hardAI AI?
###### Did the audited AI won against `hard` AI?
#### Bonus
##### Modify the link so that the users are the audited **GITHUB_LOGIN**
##### Modify the link so that the users are the audited `GITHUB_LOGIN`
##### and **licence-to-kill**. Try three times, changing the seed each time. The best of three, wins
##### and `/licence-to-kill.js`. Try three times, changing the seed each time. The best of three, wins
###### +Did the audited AI won against licence-to-kill AI?
###### +Did the audited AI won against `licence-to-kill` AI?
##### If you have an AI
##### Modify the link so that the users are the audited **GITHUB_LOGIN**
##### Modify the link so that the users are the audited `GITHUB_LOGIN`
##### and **your AI**. Try three times, changing the seed each time. The best of three, wins


@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
## tron
## Tron
### Objectives
@ -10,22 +10,21 @@ You will need to create a public repository with the name `tron`. Next you need
### Controls
- `right arrow` plays one moves frontwards
- `left arrow` plays one moves backwards
- You can use the scroll to do the same thing as above
- `arrows` or `scroll` to move step by stem
- `shift` will make it fast
- you can click anywhere on the progress bar to seek into the history
### Rules
- Your Ai has to move every turn *(it can not stay still)*
- Every time the Ai moves somewhere the Ai leaves a color trail.
- the Ai can only move to a blank tile.
- the Ai can not move out of the map *(100 x 100)*
- the Ai can only move to its `left`, `forward` or its `right`.
- Your AI has to move every turn *(it can not stay still)*
- Every time the AI moves somewhere the AI leaves a color trail.
- the AI can only move to a blank tile.
- the AI can not move out of the map *(100 x 100)*
- the AI can only move to its `left`, `forward` or its `right`.
*(Moving `backward` is suicide as it would hit its own trail !)*
- If too much CPU power is required to decide where to go, the Ai dies.
- If too much CPU power is required to decide where to go, the AI dies.
- If two Ais moved to the same spot, both of them die.
- **The Ai has to survive as long as it can.**
- **The AI has to survive as long as it can.**
### The game ends
@ -33,41 +32,45 @@ You will need to create a public repository with the name `tron`. Next you need
### How to write your AI
- Copy the code on the file [random.js]( to your file, `ai.js`
- Copy the code on the file [random.js]( to your file, `ai.js`
- You may now edit the `update` function which is called each turn
> ⚠ Do not rename the `update` function ⚠ \
> as it's the function that the worker will try to run to test your AI.
### How to test your AI
- You may use this link [tron](, to test your AI
- You need to add your AI as a user in that link,
- Example: if your git login is **Frenchris** and you want to test against **LEEDASILVA**
the link becomes:
- You may use this link [tron](/public/subjects/tron?ai=&seed=1653547275), to test your AI
- You need to add your AI as a user in that link
> Example: if your git login is **Frenchris** and you want to test against **LEEDASILVA** the link becomes: `/public/subjects/tron?AI=Frenchris@master+LEEDASILVA@master&seed=1653547275`
- Open the inspector of the browser used and **disable the cache**
- let's change the update function so that your AI only goes forward.
Replace this line just before the `return` of the update function
Replace this line just before the `return` of the update function:
const available = coordsInBound.filter(isFree)
With this line
// And I return a random available coord
return pickRandom(available)
...with this line:
const available = coordsInBound.filter(isFree).filter(el => el.direction === 0)
// always return the first free coordinates
return coordsInBound.filter(isFree)[0]
- save the file, push the changes and rerun the game in the browser. If the cache was correctly disabled,
you have changed your AI behaviour from a random pick of available moves to only going forward.
- save the file, push the changes and re-run the game in the browser.
If the cache was correctly disabled,
you have changed your AI behaviour from a random pick of available moves
to only going forward.
- To understand better the way of controlling your AI, read the comments inside the AI file and do a lot of testing.
- To understand better the way of controlling your AI,
read the comments inside the AI file and do a lot of testing.
- When peer-corrected, you AI will be competing against other AIs.
Be aware that there will be the possibility for the peer-correcter to use his or her own AI.
Be aware that there will be the possibility for the peer-correcter
to use his or her own AI.
May the best tron win :)
*May the best tron win :)*
Have fun and good luck.
